is an ISP management software.
Has a really nice and powerful web interface
Can handle up to 3000 or more clients in a single server, thus it is oriented to small/medium ISPs
Can group multiple internet providers and do load balancing and failover between them (current record is 32 DSL lines balanced in a single server)
Supports all kind of internet providers, dedicated, DSL lines, cable-modem, etc.
Does a meticulous bandwidth control and traffic prioritization
Allows to set maximum and minimum(guaranteed) for download/upload traffic
Efficiently detects P2P traffic and allows to set a maximum as a percent of client’s bandwidth
Prioritization can be customized even to a per client basis
Integrates with Squid proxy to do transparent web cache(optional)
Has a plug-in interface, you can write your custom functionality in top of sequreisp
It is written in Ruby on Rails
And a lot more
Instant and historical graphs
Backup & restore from the web interface with a single and lightweight file
Port forwarding, full DNAT, and proxy ARP to clients
VLAN support
E-mail notifications
Role based authentication, with audit system
Multilingual support (currently Spanish and English, contributions are welcome)
There is an online demo of the application available
Url: User: [email protected] Pass: 1234
Currently we are using Ubuntu Server for all of our setups, so this instructions apply to Ubuntu or any other Debian based distribution. It is possible to run sequreisp in other Linux distributions but maybe some minor changes are needed.
Ubuntu Server 10.4 LTS (or greater)
ruby1.8, ruby1-8-dev, libopenssl-ruby1.8
apache2, libapache2-mod-passenger
librrd, librrd-dev
git-core (to clone our repo)
mysql-server, libmysqlclient-dev
rails 2.3.11
In the command line that will be as root
apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-passenger ruby1.8 ruby1.8-dev libopenssl-ruby1.8 imagemagick librrd-dev librrd4 git-core mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev gem install rails -v=2.3.11 gem install bundler
Sequreisp defaults to install in /opt/sequreisp, here you need to create a couple of directories that serves different purposes
Contains the sequreisp code itself -
Contains the scripts that apply all the commands generated by sequreisp, this scripts runs on boot and every time you hit “apply changes” button -
This directory holds hooks to be run by sequreisp, this allow to integrate a firewall script and other custom commands into sequreisp-
is a shell script where you can put iptables rules to be executed before the sequreisp iptables rules get applied -
is a shell script where you can put iptables rules to be executed after the sequreisp iptables rules get applied -
is a shell script where you can put any aditional command you need
It is safer if the web interface runs as a simple non-privileged user, so we are going to create a sequreisp user with /opt/sequreisp as home directory to accomplish that and then create the directories mentioned above
adduser sequreisp --home /opt/sequreisp su - sequreisp mkdir /opt/sequreisp/scripts mkdir /opt/sequreisp/etc mkdir /opt/sequreisp/deploy
Download and install the code into the deploy directory
cd /opt/sequreisp/deploy git clone ln -s sequreisp current
We need to create the mysql database, we also recommend to create a sequreisp user in your mysql database
mysql -u root -p create database sequreisp_production CHARACTER SET = utf8; grant all privileges on sequreisp_production.* to 'sequreisp'@'localhost' identified by 'somepassword'; flush privileges;
In order to sequreisp connects to the newly created database we need to adjust the username/password/database values in the database.yml file
cd /opt/sequreisp/deploy/current cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml vi config/database.yml
Sequreisp uses bundle to handle gem dependencies, bundle is a gem itself so the default instalation leaves the executables in a ruby directory oustide from default PATH. I recommend to do a symlink for convenience (or you can simply add /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin to your PATH if you know how to do that)
ln -s /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/bundle /usr/local/bin/bundle
Then you can run (as root if you prefer system wide gems)
cd /opt/sequreisp/deploy/current bundle install
To initialize the database, we need to invoke the rake command, which comes in the rake gem. Maybe you already have this command in your path, just check it simply typing ‘rake’, if not, I recommend to do a symlink for convenience (or you can simply add /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin to your PATH if you know how to do that)
ln -s /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin /usr/local/bin/rake
Then run migration and seeds
cd /opt/sequreisp/deploy/current rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=production
The daemon is the only part of sequreisp that run as root, and is responsible for apply changes (tc and iptables rules) and to check provider state among other functions
We need to create a init.d file like /etc/init.d/sequreisp with the following content
#!/bin/sh # # sequreisp Startup script for the sequreisp server solution. NAME=sequreisp PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" SEQUREISP_DEPLOY="/opt/sequreisp/deploy/current" SEQUREISP_SCRIPTS="/opt/sequreisp/scripts" start_daemon () { $SEQUREISP_DEPLOY/lib/daemons/sequreispd_ctl start } stop_daemon () { $SEQUREISP_DEPLOY/lib/daemons/sequreispd_ctl stop } case "$1" in start) echo -n "Starting $NAME: " $SEQUREISP_SCRIPTS/ 2>&1 >/opt/sequreisp/scripts/ start_daemon echo "$NAME." ;; stop) echo -n "Stopping $NAME: " stop_daemon ;; restart|reload) echo -n "Restarting $NAME: " stop_daemon start_daemon echo "$NAME." ;; *) echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/$NAME {start|stop|restart|reload}" exit 3 ;; esac exit 0
Then be sure that sequreisp loads on system boot and start the daemon
chmod +x /etc/init.d/sequreisp update-rc.d sequreisp defaults 10 80 service sequreisp start
Make shure the daemon is running, you can use ps command for that
ps x | grep sequreisp
You should see an output like this
11659 ? S 0:01 sequreispd.rb 11660 ? S 0:00 sequreispd.rb_monitor
The sequreispd.rb is the daemon process itself, while sequreipd.rb_monitor is a monitor that ensures that daemon keeps allways running. Both should be running all time. If the daemon is not running you can check /opt/sequreisp/deploy/current/log/sequreispd.rb.log for error messages.
We need to create a crontab entry to feed the user interface graphics. Sequreisp now uses the whenever gem to automate the deploy of cron jobs It is extremley simple to use, you just need to use the whenever command. This command is in it’s own gem path by default and, once again, you may make a symblink for convenience (or you can simply add /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin to your PATH if you know how to do that)
ln -s /var/lib/gems/1.8/bin/whenever /usr/local/bin/whenever
After this you just need to do, as sequreisp user
cd /opt/sequreisp/deploy/current whenever --update-crontab
And it will update your crontab to run the needed jobs. You can check how it looks doing
crontabl -l
In order to access the web interface you need to setup the vhost definition
# in /etc/apache2/sites-available/sequreisp <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName localhost ServerAlias * DocumentRoot /opt/sequreisp/deploy/current/public RailsEnv production <Directory /opt/sequreisp/deploy/current/public> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from all </Directory> ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.sequreisp.log LogLevel warn CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.sequreisp.log combined </VirtualHost>
Enable the new vhost
a2ensite sequreisp service apache reload
Log in using your server’s ip with default credentials username: [email protected] pass: 1234
There is currently a step by step user guide available in spanish.
It will introduce you in the basic concepts behind sequreisp from a fresh instalation to get your first provider and client to work.
The guide is meant for the comercial version but still applies to the opensource branch. The guide mentions an easy-install-CD that is only available for the comercial version, so you have to skip that part and begin at 2.3 “Puesta a punto” section.
We have released a forum for open discution and user support, if you have any questions you can start a thread there.
If you have a bug report or any suggestion you can create a git-hub issue.
If you want to contribute to this project you can send a pull-request or mail me at “lruete NO@SPAM”
Sequreisp is licensed under the terms of the GNU Afero General Public license
A Comercial version of sequreisp is also available which includes support, an easy-install-CD and modules with extra functionality, you can find more information in the sequreisp website.