This module is a 2 step wrapper to upload AOI to Google Earth Engine
If your file is not yet available in your SEAPL folders, you can upload it using the first menu.
Select a methode to define your AOI between :
draw a shape
: manually draw a shape on the mapUpload file
: Use a shapefile as an assetUse point file
: Use a.csv
file as an aoi asset. Point file need to have at least 3 columns (id, lattitude and longitude) but you can use any custom names.
Once you have selected your aoi, click the btn and your AOI will be updated as an asset and available for the others SEPAL modules.
the file created in step 1 may not appear in the file selector. refresh the list by opening a folder
If the process is successful, your AOI will be displayed in green on the map.
to install the project on your SEPAL account
$ git clone
please retreive the develop branch where all our developments live
$ git checkout --track origin/develop
please follow the contributing guidelines.