Improved support for models with nested attributes.
Allows you to get and set nested attributes with path syntax, e.g. user.type
Triggers change events for changes on nested attributes.
Backbone >= 0.9.10
- Include Backbone and it's dependencies in your page/app.
- Include
Then just have your models extend from Backbone.DeepModel instead of Backbone.Model.
Example code:
//Create models with nested attributes
var model = new Backbone.DeepModel({
id: 123,
user: {
type: 'Spy',
name: {
first: 'Sterling',
last: 'Archer'
otherSpies: [
{ name: 'Lana' },
{ name: 'Cyrril' }
//You can bind to change events on nested attributes
model.bind('', function(model, val) {
//Wildcards are supported
model.bind('change:user.*', function() {});
//Use set with a path name for nested attributes
//NOTE you must you quotation marks around the key name when using a path
'': 'Lana',
'': 'Kang'
//Use get() with path names so you can create getters later
console.log(model.get('user.type')); // 'Spy'
//You can use index notation to fetch from arrays
console.log(model.get('')) //'Lana'
Charles Davison - powmedia
- Fix #68 Model or collection in attributes are eliminated when defaults are used
- Support Backbone 0.9.10
- Support Backbone 0.9.9 (mattyway)
- Add support for deep model defaults (mattyway)
- Allow nested attribute as Model identifier (milosdakic)
- Add AMD support (drd0rk)
- Added "change:*" event triggers for ancestors of nested attributes. (jessehouchins)
- JSHint linting (tony)
- Fix: undefined in setNested resulting from a recent change in backbone master. (evadnoob)
- Fix: #22 model.hasChanged() is not reset after change event fires
- Fix: #18 Setting a deep property to the same value deletes the property (mikefrey)
- Allow setting nested attributes inside an attribute whose value is currently null (sqs)
- Add DeepModel.keyPathSeparator to allow using custom path separators
- Check if the child object exists, but isn't an object. #12 (tgriesser)
- Model.changedAttributes now works with nested attributes.
- Fix getting attribute that is an empty object
- Update for Backbone v0.9.2