The help system for SNAP based on NetBeans
This module is mainly a copy of the org-netbeans-modules-javahelp. The version 11.3 has been used as basis. This copy was necessary as the support for javahelp was disabled due to license incompatibilities. Those license conflicts between Apache (NetBeans) and GPL (JavaHelp) seem to be solved and NetBeans might reactivate the help in the future (version >=18). Till than we need this module, and we don't have the license issue as SNAP is GPL too.
- Differences between the original and this module are mainly in package names.
- org.netbeans.api.javahelp --> eu.esa.snap.netbeans.javahelp.api
- org.netbeans.modules.javahelp --> eu.esa.snap.netbeans.javahelp
- The services in META-INF/services have been added.
- The resources have been copied to te resources path