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Deploy Spring Boot app to Java SE - end-to-end Java experience in App Service Linux


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End-to-end Java Experience in App Service Linux

This guide walks you through the process of building, configuring, deploying, trouble shooting and scaling Java Web apps in App Service Linux.

What you will build

You will build a Java Web app using Spring Boot, Spring Data for Cosmos DB, Azure Cosmos DB and App Service Linux.

What you will need

In order to deploy a Java Web app to cloud, you need an Azure subscription. If you do not already have an Azure subscription, you can activate your MSDN subscriber benefits or sign up for a free Azure account.

In addition, you will need the following:

| Azure CLI | Java 8 | Maven 3 | Git |

Getting Started

You can start from scratch and complete each step, or you can bypass basic setup steps that you are already familiar with. Either way, you will end up with working code.

When you are finished, you can check your results against YOUR code in e2e-java-experience-in-app-service-linux-part-2/complete.

You can start from e2e-java-experience-in-app-service-linux-part-2/initial. Or, you can clone from spring-todo-app

If you are starting from scratch, you can scaffold a Web app using Maven Web app archetype or

Step ONE - Clone and Prep

git clone --recurse-submodules
yes | cp -rf .prep/* .

Create Azure Cosmos DB

Create Azure Cosmos DB using Azure CLI 2.0

STEP A - LOGIN to Azure

Login your Azure CLI, and set your subscription

az login
az account set -s <your-subscription-id>

STEP B - Create Resource Group

Create an Azure Resource Group, and note down the resource group name

az group create -n <your-azure-group-name> \
    -l <your-resource-group-region>


Create Azure Cosmos DB with GlobalDocumentDB kind. The name of Cosmos DB must use only lower case letters. Note down the documentEndpoint field in the response

az cosmosdb create --kind GlobalDocumentDB \
    -g <your-azure-group-name> \
    -n <your-azure-COSMOS-DB-name-in-lower-case-letters>


Get your Azure Cosmos DB key, get the primaryMasterKey

az cosmosdb list-keys -g <your-azure-group-name> -n <your-azure-COSMOSDB-name>

Build and Run Locally - Spring TODO App Powered Using Azure Cosmos DB

Open the initial/spring-todo-app sample app in your favorite IDE - IntelliJ | Eclipse | VS Code.

STEP 1 - Change directory

cd initial/spring-todo-app

STEP 2 - Configure the app

Set environment variables using a script file. Start with the supplied template in the repo:

cp .scripts/

Edit .scripts/ and supply Azure Cosmos DB connection info. Particularly:

export COSMOSDB_URI=<put-your-COSMOS-DB-documentEndpoint-URI-here>
export COSMOSDB_KEY=<put-your-COSMOS-DB-primaryMasterKey-here>
export COSMOSDB_DBNAME=<put-your-COSMOS-DB-name-here>

// App Service Linux Configuration
export RESOURCEGROUP_NAME=<put-your-resource-group-name-here>
export WEBAPP_NAME=<put-your-Webapp-name-here>
export REGION=<put-your-REGION-here>

Set environment variables:

source .scripts/

STEP 3 - Run Spring TODO App locally

mvn package spring-boot:run
bash-3.2$ mvn package spring-boot:run
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building spring-todo-app 2.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] SimpleUrlHandlerMapping - Mapped URL path [/webjars/**] onto handler of type [class org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.ResourceHttpRequestHandler]
[INFO] SimpleUrlHandlerMapping - Mapped URL path [/**] onto handler of type [class org.springframework.web.servlet.resource.ResourceHttpRequestHandler]
[INFO] WelcomePageHandlerMapping - Adding welcome page: class path resource [static/index.html]
2018-10-28 15:04:32.101  INFO 7673 --- [           main]      : Initializing DocumentClient with serviceEndpoint [], ConnectionPolicy [ConnectionPolicy [requestTimeout=60, mediaRequestTimeout=300, connectionMode=Gateway, mediaReadMode=Buffered, maxPoolSize=800, idleConnectionTimeout=60, userAgentSuffix=;spring-data/2.0.6;098063be661ab767976bd5a2ec350e978faba99348207e8627375e8033277cb2,, enableEndpointDiscovery=true, preferredLocations=null]], ConsistencyLevel [null]
[INFO] AnnotationMBeanExporter - Registering beans for JMX exposure on startup
[INFO] TomcatWebServer - Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path ''
[INFO] TodoApplication - Started TodoApplication in 45.573 seconds (JVM running for 76.534)

You can access Spring TODO App here: http://localhost:8080/.

Deploy to App Service Linux

Step 4 - Configure for Cloud Deployment

Add Maven Plugin for Azure App Service configuration to POM.xml and deploy Spring TODO App to Java SE in App Service Linux:


    <!-- Deploy to Java SE in App Service Linux           -->
            <!-- Web App information -->
            <!-- Java Runtime Stack for Web App on Linux-->

Step 5 - Deploy to Java SE in App Service Linux

// Deploy
bash-3.2$ mvn azure-webapp:deploy
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building spring-todo-app 2.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- azure-webapp-maven-plugin:1.4.0:deploy (default-cli) @ spring-todo-app ---
[INFO] Authenticate with Azure CLI 2.0
[INFO] Target Web App doesn't exist. Creating a new one...
[INFO] Creating App Service Plan 'ServicePlanb6ba8178-5bbb-49e7'...
[INFO] Successfully created App Service Plan.
[INFO] Successfully created Web App.
[INFO] Trying to deploy artifact to spring-todo-app...
[INFO] Successfully deployed the artifact to
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 02:19 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-10-28T15:32:03-07:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 50M/574M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Open Spring Boot TODO App running on Java SE in App Service Linux


Step 6 - Trouble Shoot Spring TODO App on Azure by Viewing Logs

Configure logs for the deployed Java Web app in App Service Linux:

az webapp log config --name ${WEBAPP_NAME} \
 --resource-group ${RESOURCEGROUP_NAME} \
  --web-server-logging filesystem

Open Java Web app remote log stream from a local machine:

az webapp log tail --name ${WEBAPP_NAME} \
 --resource-group ${RESOURCEGROUP_NAME}
bash-3.2$ az webapp log tail --name ${WEBAPP_NAME}  --resource-group ${RESOURCEGROUP_NAME}
2018-10-28T22:50:17  Welcome, you are now connected to log-streaming service.
2018-10-28T22:44:56.265890407Z   _____                               
2018-10-28T22:44:56.265930308Z   /  _  \ __________ _________   ____  
2018-10-28T22:44:56.265936008Z  /  /_\  \___   /  |  \_  __ \_/ __ \ 
2018-10-28T22:44:56.265940308Z /    |    \/    /|  |  /|  | \/\  ___/ 
2018-10-28T22:44:56.265944408Z \____|__  /_____ \____/ |__|    \___  >
2018-10-28T22:44:56.265948508Z         \/      \/                  \/ 
2018-10-28T22:44:56.265952508Z A P P   S E R V I C E   O N   L I N U X
2018-10-28T22:44:56.265956408Z Documentation:
2018-10-28T22:44:56.266260910Z Setup openrc ...
2018-10-28T22:44:57.396926506Z Service `hwdrivers' needs non existent service `dev'
2018-10-28T22:44:57.397294409Z  * Caching service dependencies ... [ ok ]
2018-10-28T22:44:57.474152273Z Starting ssh service...
2018-10-28T22:46:13.432160734Z [INFO] AnnotationMBeanExporter - Registering beans for JMX exposure on startup
2018-10-28T22:46:13.744859424Z [INFO] TomcatWebServer - Tomcat started on port(s): 80 (http) with context path ''
2018-10-28T22:46:13.783230205Z [INFO] TodoApplication - Started TodoApplication in 57.209 seconds (JVM running for 70.815)
2018-10-28T22:46:14.887366993Z 2018-10-28 22:46:14.887  INFO 198 --- [p-nio-80-exec-1] o.a.c.c.C.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/]       : Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'dispatcherServlet'
2018-10-28T22:46:14.887637695Z [INFO] DispatcherServlet - FrameworkServlet 'dispatcherServlet': initialization started
2018-10-28T22:46:14.998479907Z [INFO] DispatcherServlet - FrameworkServlet 'dispatcherServlet': initialization completed in 111 ms

2018-10-28T22:49:20.572059062Z Sun Oct 28 22:49:20 GMT 2018 GET ======= /api/todolist =======
2018-10-28T22:49:25.850543080Z Sun Oct 28 22:49:25 GMT 2018 DELETE ======= /api/todolist/{4f41ab03-1b12-4131-a920-fe5dfec106ca} ======= 
2018-10-28T22:49:26.047126614Z Sun Oct 28 22:49:26 GMT 2018 GET ======= /api/todolist =======
2018-10-28T22:49:30.201740227Z Sun Oct 28 22:49:30 GMT 2018 POST ======= /api/todolist ======= Milk
2018-10-28T22:49:30.413468872Z Sun Oct 28 22:49:30 GMT 2018 GET ======= /api/todolist =======

When you are finished, you can check your results against YOUR code in e2e-java-experience-in-app-service-linux-part-2/complete.

Scale out the Spring TODO App

Scale out Java Web app using Azure CLI:

az appservice plan update --number-of-workers 2 \
   --name ${WEBAPP_PLAN_NAME} \
   --resource-group ${RESOURCEGROUP_NAME}


Congratulations!! You built and scaled out a Java Web app using Spring Boot, Spring Data for Cosmos DB, Azure Cosmos DB and App Service Linux. .


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Deploy Spring Boot app to Java SE - end-to-end Java experience in App Service Linux







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