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Spring Todo App

This Spring TODO app is a Java application built using Spring Boot, Spring Data for Cosmos DB and Azure Cosmos DB.


| Azure CLI | Java 8 | Maven 3 | Git |

Create Azure Cosmos DB

Create Azure Cosmos DB using Azure CLI 2.0

STEP A - LOGIN to Azure

Login your Azure CLI, and set your subscription

az login
az account set -s <your-subscription-id>

STEP B - Create Resource Group

Create an Azure Resource Group, and note down the resource group name

az group create -n <your-azure-group-name> \
    -l <your-resource-group-region>


Create Azure Cosmos DB with GlobalDocumentDB kind. The name of Cosmos DB must use only lower case letters. Note down the documentEndpoint field in the response

az cosmosdb create --kind GlobalDocumentDB \
    -g <your-azure-group-name> \
    -n <your-azure-COSMOS-DB-name-in-lower-case-letters>


Get your Azure Cosmos DB key, get the primaryMasterKey

az cosmosdb list-keys -g <your-azure-group-name> -n <your-azure-COSMOSDB-name>

Running Spring TODO App locally

STEP 1 - Checkout Spring TODO app

git clone
cd spring-todo-ap

STEP 2 - Configure the app

Set environment variables using a script file. Start with the supplied template in the repo:

cp .scripts/

Edit .scripts/ and supply Azure Cosmos DB connection info. Particularly:

export COSMOS_URI=<put-your-COSMOS-DB-documentEndpoint-URI-here>
export COSMOS_KEY=<put-your-COSMOS-DB-primaryMasterKey-here>
export COSMOS_DATABASE=<put-your-COSMOS-DATABASE-name-here>

Set environment variables:

source .scripts/

STEP 3 - Run Spring TODO App locally

mvn package spring-boot:run

You can access Spring TODO App here: http://localhost:8080/.

Clean up

You can delete Azure resources that you created deleting the Azure Resource Group:

az group delete -y --no-wait -n <your-resource-group-name>


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