This is a custom shape library for to build piecepack diagrams. It is licensed under CC BY 4.0, which means you can use it for anything as long as you credit the source.
The suit icons are from and are licensed under CC BY 3.0. Anything built with can be used "for any purpose".
Clicking this link will open and install the libary.
Alternatively, you can also download Piecepack.xml, go to and import the file via File > Open Library from > Device...
You will then see a new libary in the panel on the left called "Piecepack.xml".
Just click on a shape or drag and drop it and it will appear in the drawing area. The sizes will all fit each other, for example, a coin fits into a quarter of a tile.
The top row seems empty. That is because they include the suits filled with white colour and are displayed on a white background. You can use the suits in other colours by changing the "Fill .symbol" colour in the Style tab of the Format panel on the right.
There are no shapes for each of the ranks. Instead there is just one rank labelled "X" for the tiles, coin faces and dice. You can change that to any desired rank by double-clicking it and changing the text. The text and the suit are only overlapping when the text is an "X", this doesn't happen with a standard rank (A, 2, 3, 4, 5).