Video made with VisIt
num_cells_x1 = 128
num_cells_x2 = 128
num_cells_x3 = 128
num_cells_x4 = 128
number_iterations = 1000
git clone
cd bsl_dk_3d1v_polar
- Fortran compiler
- openmpi
- hdf5 built with mpi
- fftw
- cmake
make sllbuild SLL_DIR=/opt/selalib
make SLL_DIR=/opt/selalib
- bsl_dk_3d1v_polar : executable
- dksim4d_polar_input.nml : input file
- dksim4d_polar.gnu : gnuplot script
- dksim4d_polar_ref.dat : reference results
- : info (this file)
- Run parallel simulation within directory
$ mpirun -np 4 ./bsl_dk_3d1v_polar ./dksim4d_polar_input.nml
- Run included gnuplot script
$ gnuplot --persist dksim4d_polar.gnu
- Run gnuplot scripts generated at runtime
$ gnuplot --persist rho_0.gnu