A simple verlet physics for LÖVE I made this library using a video from the Pezzza's Work channel, if you want to help with errors and generally improve the code, then please fork this repository. There may be a lot of illogical points in the code as I was working on this library late at night and wanted to sleep...zzZ
local verlet = require("verlet")
local vector = require("vector")
local asc = 0
local delta = 0
curtime = 0
local scrw,scrh = love.window.getDesktopDimensions(1)
love.window.setMode( scrw/1.2, scrh/1.2, {
vsync = 1,
msaa = 1,
resizable = 1
local function makeExplode(x,y)
local pos = vector(x,y)
for i=1, #objects do
local vel = (objects[i].pos - pos):normalizeInplace()
local dist = pos.dist(objects[i].pos, pos)
objects[i]:addVelocity(vel * -dist, delta)
local function crtObj(x,y)
asc = asc + 1
objects[asc] = verlet.new()
objects[asc].radius = math.floor(math.random(5,15))
local r,g,b = hsvToRgb(curtime/1000,0.8,1,1)
objects[asc].color = {r/255,g/255,b/255}
local pos,radius = verlet.getConstraint()
--local x1,y1 = love.mouse.getPosition()
local vel = ((pos + vector(math.sin(curtime/50)*radius,math.cos(curtime/50)*radius)) - pos):normalizeInplace()
--local vel = (vector(x1,y1) - vector(x,y)):normalizeInplace()
objects[asc]:setVelocity(vel * 1000, delta)
function love.load()
objects = {}
function love.update(dt)
delta = dt
if #objects < 600 then
local w,h = love.graphics.getDimensions()
curtime = curtime + 1
function love.draw()
love.graphics.print("FPS: " .. love.timer.getFPS() .. " Objects: " .. #objects,5,5)
Creates and returns a new object.
Moves an object to some position.
Sets the velocity of the object.
Adds a new speed of the object to the current one.
Updates the position, used by the function verlet.update(int dt,table objects)
Adds a new acceleration to the current one.
Returns the position and radius of the circle in which objects can be located.
Prevents objects from going outside the circle.
Resolves collisions between objects
Updates the physics of all objects.
Draws objects in the form of circles with different sizes and colors.
Moving a window, changing its size and constantly Alt+Tab provokes objects to go crazy.
This optimization problem can be solved very easily, the Pezzza's Work channel will improve its physics engine and just replace the nasty loop with a system with grid cells.