USB host/device implementation using PIO of raspberry pi pico (RP2040).
You can add additional USB port to RP2040.
Planned Features | Status |
FS Host | ✔ |
LS Host | ✔ |
Hub support | ✔ |
Multi port | ✔ |
FS Device | ✔ |
- host_hid_to_device_cdc.c which print mouse/keyboard report from host port to device port's cdc. TinyUSB is used to manage both device (native usb) and host (pio usb) stack.
- usb_device.c is a HID USB FS device sample which moves mouse cursor every 0.5s. External 1.5kohm pull-up register is necessary to D+ pin (Default is gp0).
cd examples
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
# Copy UF2 file in capture_hid_report/ or usbdevice/ to RPiPico
Another sample program for split keyboard with QMK
- 1 PIO, 3 state machines, 32 instructions
- Two GPIO for D+/D- (Series 22ohm resitors are better)
- 15KB ROM and RAM
- (For Host) One 1ms repeating timer
- (For Device) One PIO IRQ for receiver