This plugin provides a command which, given a visual selection or buffer, will generate a neat looking and highly customizable image of the source code. The image generator is, which is similar to, but does not require an internet connection.
First, you need to install cargo and silicon:
# Install cargo
curl -sSf | sh
# Install silicon
cargo install silicon
# Add cargo-installed binaries to the path
export PATH="$PATH:$CARGO_HOME/bin"
Then, if using vim-plug, add this to your ~/.vimrc
Plug 'segeljakt/vim-silicon'
This plugin provides a single command Silicon
" Generate an image of the current buffer and write it to /path/to/output.png
:Silicon /path/to/output.png
" Generate an image of the current buffer and write it to /path/to/output.png and clipboard.
:Silicon /path/to/output.png --to-clipboard
" Generate an image of the current buffer and write it to /path/to/<filename>.png
:Silicon /path/to/
" Generate an image of the current visual line selection and write it to /path/to/output.png
:'<,'>Silicon /path/to/output.png
" Generate an image of the current buffer, with the current visual line selection highlighted.
:'<,'>Silicon! /path/to/output.png
This is the default configuration:
let g:silicon = {
\ 'theme': 'Dracula',
\ 'font': 'Hack',
\ 'background': '#AAAAFF',
\ 'shadow-color': '#555555',
\ 'line-pad': 2,
\ 'pad-horiz': 80,
\ 'pad-vert': 100,
\ 'shadow-blur-radius': 0,
\ 'shadow-offset-x': 0,
\ 'shadow-offset-y': 0,
\ 'line-number': v:true,
\ 'round-corner': v:true,
\ 'window-controls': v:true,
\ }
Images are by default saved to the working directory with a unique filename, you can change this filepath by setting:
let g:silicon['output'] = '~/images/silicon-{time:%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S}.png'
To get the list of available themes, you can run this in the terminal:
silicon --list-themes
Silicon internally uses bat
's themes and syntaxes. To get the list of supported languages, you could:
cargo install bat
bat --list-languages
For more details about options, see
Instead of assigning values to flags in g:silicon, you can assign functions which expand into values right before generating the images.
For example, to save images into different directories depending on whether you are at work or not:
let s:workhours = {
\ 'Monday': [8, 16],
\ 'Tuesday': [9, 17],
\ 'Wednesday': [9, 17],
\ 'Thursday': [9, 17],
\ 'Friday': [9, 15],
\ }
function! s:working()
let day = strftime('%u')
if has_key(s:workhours, day)
let hour = strftime('%H')
let [start_hour, stop_hour] = s:workhours[day]
if start_hour <= hour && hour <= stop_hour
return "~/Work-Snippets/"
return "~/Personal-Snippets/"
let g:silicon['output'] = function('s:working')
Credits goes to:
- for Silicon
- Bethesda for the awesome Doom wallpaper