All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- #34 Add test to ensure all Rules are registered
- update tag workflow to use JDK 17
- upgrade docker system
- #30 Upgrade dependencies to latest ones - technical incompatibilities for SonarQube before 9.9 version
- clean unit test files (to have less other issues)
- #28 Add support for SonarQube 10.6.0
- #20 Add support for SonarQube 10.4 " DownloadOnlyWhenRequired" feature
- #23 deprecation of EC22 rule for PHP (waiting for measurement to prove it)
- check Sonarqube 10.5.1 compatibility + update docker files and
- #17 Correction of error with deprecated EC34 rule
- Update ecocode-rules-specifications to 1.4.7
- Add 10.3 SonarQube compatibility
- #9 Upgrade licence system and licence headers of Java files
- #10 Adding EC35 rule : EC35 rule replaces EC34 with a specific use case ("file not found" specific)
- #13 Add build number to manifest
- #12 Fix unit tests execution with Maven
- Update ecocode-rules-specifications to 1.4.6
- upgrade : docker test environment