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Devkit Microservice Framework

DMF provides a base framework for developing microservices using .NET Core. The framework provides security, consistent patterns with developing your API endpoints, service-to-service communication through AMQP, and helper libraries that will help with testing, etc. I use this for my personal projects to help speed up my prototyping or development.

High Level Design

Table of Contents

  1. Run the demo APIs
  2. Gateway
    1. Security
    2. Routing
  3. Domain APIs
  4. How Tos
    1. Service Bus

Run the demo APIs

You'll need Dockers :) installed.

  1. Open up your command line on the root directory of the project
  2. Enter cd infrastructure
  3. Then docker-compose up -d to run backing Docker containers
  4. Back to the root with cd ..
  5. Then docker-compose up -d to run the APIs or Open up Devkit.sln file in Visual Studio and run the APIs from there.


Gateway is an outward facing API that routes requests coming from clients, think of it as the single point of entry to the system. This API uses Ocelot middleware to manage routing to Domain APIs also known as internal APIs. It also utilizes Consul as service registry. So when a request comes in Ocelot uses the ServiceName to look up a APIs registered in Consul with that name then Consul returns back the routing info to the API that needs to handle the request.

Gateway Security

Protect endpoints be defining requirements in the RouteClaimsRequirement within the route configuration of the endpoint.

  "Routes": [
      "UpstreamPathTemplate": "/inventory-api/{catchAll}",
      "UpstreamHttpMethod": ["Get"],
      "DownstreamScheme": "http",
      "DownstreamPathTemplate": "/{catchAll}",
      "AuthenticationOptions": {
        "AuthenticationProviderKey": "devkit-security"
      "RouteClaimsRequirement": {
        "client_id": "web-app",
        "permissions": ""
      "ServiceName": "inventory-api"

Gateway Routing

Below is an example of a routing configuration for Ocelot. The ServiceName refers to the API key that is registered in Consul service registry. The ServiceName is the name or key of the service that is registered in Consul. The Devkit.API library should automatically register your API with Consul. For more information about how you can configure the service see Domain API setup.

  "Routes": [
      "ServiceName": "demo-api",
      "UpstreamHttpMethod": ["Get"],
      "DownstreamScheme": "http",
      "UpstreamPathTemplate": "/d/hello-world",
      "DownstreamPathTemplate": "/hi"

The UpstreamHttpMethod is an array of accepted HTTP verbs. The UpstreamPathTemplate is the route that the clients will need to send the request to. Let's say that the Gateway url is; the URL to send the request to for this route is DownstreamPathTemplate is the action route in your controller class. This is the internal API route where the request gets handled. If you need help with routing configs refer to the Ocelot documentation.

Domain APIs

Domain APIs are your own APIs that handles requests coming in from the Gateway.

Creating a new API

It is very easy to get a service up and running using the framework, reference the Devkit.WebAPI project into your new .NET Core 5.0 Web API project. The Devkit.WebAPI framework references 3 Devkit projects, Devkit.Patterns, Devkit.Metrics, and Devkit.ServiceBus. Devkit.Patterns has wrapper classes for implementing the CQRS pattern with the MediatR library. Devkit.Metrics handles logging to ElasticSearch.

TODO: Cover support libraries here.

Add other APIs here...

How Tos

Service Bus

This feature provides messaging between microservices with RabbitMQ and MassTransit. MassTransit is by far the easiest message queue library to use out there for C#. I'm not gonna dive into as to why I picked AMQP vs HTTP for internal messaging you can still use libraries like Refit if you prefer to go that route.

To setup messaging you need to create the messages or events that you can send and receive between microservices. I usually just create a new project per microservice or domain. Example, within the Devkit solution you will see a project named Logistics.Communication.Orders. This project contains 2 folders DTOs and Messages that are related to orders.

Messages folder contains interfaces about events within the application that want to you publish. An example of an event is the IOrderSubmitted interface - when someone created a new order and you want other microservices to use pieces of information about an order that was just submitted.

// Example of an Event. This event is Published when a user successfully submitted an order.
public interface IOrderSubmitted
    string ClientUserName { get; }

    int ProductId { get; }

    double Price { get; }


Messages folder is also where you place interfaces to send Request. Request is used for querying information from a microservice like IGetUser. Messages can only be interfaces that implements Devkit.ServiceBus.Interfaces.IRequest, this forces a pattern where nobody can put logic into these messages, and that they only act as message contracts. The response to a Request is defined within the DTOs folder. DTOs are just interfaces used as a contract to send and receive response from a Request.

// Example of a Request. This is what you send to the bus to request for user information from microservice.
public interface IGetUser : Devkit.ServiceBus.Interfaces.IRequest
    string UserName { get; set; }

To response to the IGetUser request you'll need to create a consumer class in the receiving microservice. Store your consumers within a folder to make it easier for us later on to register them.

// Message consumer for IGetUser
public class GetUserConsumer : Devkit.ServiceBus.MessageConsumerBase<IGetUser>
    protected async override Task ConsumeRequest(ConsumeContext<IGetUser> context)
        var user = await FindByNameAsync(context.Message.UserName);

        if (user == null)
            // send an error message back
            await context.RespondAsync<IConsumerException>(new
                ErrorMessage = $"Could not find user by user name ({context.Message.UserName})"
            // send the user infromation back
            await context.RespondAsync<IUserDTO>(new

Notice that we send anonymous types back using RespondAsync<TResponse>. You might be wondering what the heck would happen if someone changed the contract/interface? This is where MassTransit.Analyzers come in, Devkit.ServiceBus library comes with this library that will help identify anonymous types being sent or published through MassTransit that does not agree with the interface.

MassTransit.Analyzer warning

To wire up the consumers we will use MassTransit's IServiceCollectionBusConfigurator and its extension method AddConsumersFromNamespaceContaining<T>. Using the AddConsumersFromNamespaceContaining method, pass in one of your consumers. This will add all the consumer in the same or deeper namespace.

using MassTransit;
using MassTransit.ExtensionsDependencyInjectionIntegration;

public class SecurityBusRegistry : Devkit.ServiceBus.Interfaces.IBusRegistry
    public void RegisterConsumers(IServiceCollectionBusConfigurator configurator)

Testing with Service Bus (Unit Test)

I rely heavily on MassTransit's InMemoryTestHarness for testing. With unit test you basically just new up an instance of an InMemoryTestHarness then add the consumer call the Start method.

this.TestHarness = new InMemoryTestHarness();

// Pass the IBus within the test harness, it's where messages will be sent to.
var mediatRHandler = new CreateOrderHandler(this.Repository, this.TestHarness.Bus);
mediatRHandler.Handle(command, CancellationToken.None);

// Check the messages to confirm that we published the event.
Assert.True(await this.TestHarness.Published.Any<IOrderCreated>());

Testing with Service Bus using IClassFixture<AppTestFixture>

The Devkit.Test project contains a base class called IntegrationTestBase<TSUT, TStartup> where TSUT is the command or query that is being tested, and TStartup is the Startup class that will help us spin up your service to send HTTP requests to test the entire flow; from the controller all the way to the command or query handler and so on. With this setup you can test to make sure that the messages are being sent out and the data that needs to be sent out are all in place.

In some microservice, you will need to register fake consumers to respond to Requests. Below is a fake registry that adds a fake consumer that responds with bogus values

public class TestOrdersBusRegistry : IBusRegistry
    public void RegisterConsumers(IServiceCollectionBusConfigurator configurator)

public class FakeGetUserConsumer : Devkit.ServiceBus.Test.FakeMessageConsumerBase<IGetUser>
    protected async override Task ConsumeRequest(ConsumeContext<IGetUser> context)
        await context.RespondAsync<IUserDTO>(new
            PhoneNumber = this.Faker.Phone.PhoneNumber()

Register the fake registry into DI like the example below. When your handler sends a Request for data through the service bus, the fake consumer registered within the fake registry will respond to the request. I usually create one IntegrationBase class per project so that I can just resuse my setup to test different endpoints.

public abstract class OrdersIntegrationTestBase<TRequest> : Devkit.Test.IntegrationTestBase<TRequest, Logistics.Orders.API.Startup>
    protected OrdersIntegrationTestBase(AppTestFixture<Startup> testFixture)
        : base(testFixture)
        testFixture.ConfigureTestServices(services =>
            services.AddSingleton<IBusRegistry, TestOrdersBusRegistry>();


Microservice framework for .NET 8.







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