lein figwheel cider-connect 7888 load env/dev/clj/gps_tracker/env.clj
Refactor waypoint path/tracking path
Implement delete for tracking paths (with checkpoints)
Redirect to not found page server side
move from src and src-cljs to src/clj and src/cljs
Add error modal/popup
Use custom styling (learn from bootstrap)
Fix figwheel repl, do whatever github readme says
Cleanup project.clj
Start using public/private in namespaces with better discipline.
Use lein heroku for uberjar deployment.
Add authentication/authorization.
Bring libraries up to date.
Create migrations ns.
Allow waypoints to be moved on waypoint creation map.
Fix % in bidi and convert dates in urls to iso time instead of long
Move all remote related stuff to remote (checkpoints, waypoint paths, tracking paths)
Cleanup eavesdrop
Do delegations automagically
Only use list notation for namespace routing, maps else
Figure out some way to manage app state and pure, sync effects, async effects (helps with testablility)
Add tests for actions with side effects
Switch to rest API