Change dev settings on phone to use IP:8081 lein repl :headless cider-connect and then in cider repl (figwheel-android) react-native start
On new ip address: change ip in env/dev/env/main.cljs change ip in figwheel-bridge.js
On java src changes: react-native run-android
Save tracking paths for later (use local storage)
- Tracking paths option in main menu
- Ask to save if not upload
- Delete saved tracking path on upload
Fetch waypoint paths Use waypoint paths with tracking Add bluetooth
Add tests (mock side effects for now) start testing side effects Have handlers return a list of effects instead of performing them Find a way to test views without having to restart on figwheel load "Polish" figwheel-bridge Upload old version (sigsub) of gps-tracker to heroku Find better way to filter gps position updates (core.async?, rx?) Sign apk for release deployment