(Yet to become) Wishlist web app with Golang, part of my #100DaysOfCode
brew install --cash mongodb-compass
for conveniently inspecting the DB
Start mongodb service:
docker-compose -f ./docker/docker-compose.yml up
This is a draft for the API.
"id": 1,
"description": "Writing Without Bullshit book",
Internally, the resource will have an owner and date information from when the wish was first created.
"id": 1,
"owner": "seb",
"description": "Writing Without Bullshit book",
"GET /api/wishes": {
"desc": "returns all wishes",
"response": "200 application/json",
"data": [{}, {}, {}]
"GET /api/wishes/:id": {
"desc": "returns a wish respresented by its id",
"response": "200 application/json",
"data": {}
"POST /api/wishes": {
"desc": "create and returns a new wish using the posted object",
"response": "201 application/json",
"data": {}
"PUT /api/wishes/:id": {
"desc": "updates and returns a wish with the posted update object",
"response": "200 application/json",
"data": {}
"DELETE /api/wishes/:id": {
"desc": "deletes and returns the matching wish",
"response": "200 application/json",
"data": {}
-[] make db connection configurable -[] implement CRUD functionality -[] expose REST interface -[] middleware -[] logger -[] auth -[] web interface -[] authentication -[] mongodb password protection -[] authentication by application -[] user accounts, create and manage -[] authenticate users in web interface, JWT? -[] deployment, where and how -[] insert layer to support other nosql dbs, e.g. dynamodb (see also link section for aws example)
- wishes
- add priority
- add wishlist sharing
- mongo and setting it up in docker
- https://www.mongodb.com/compatibility/docker
- https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/compose-file-v3
- MongoDB university, free courses and possibly vouchers for certification
- https://university.mongodb.com/courses/catalog
- kudos @MohsenKamranii for the hint. https://twitter.com/mohsenkamranii/status/1482500357389701122?s=21
- https://docs.mongodb.com/drivers/go/current/
- https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/crud/
- https://dev.to/joojodontoh/build-user-authentication-in-golang-with-jwt-and-mongodb-2igd
- https://pkg.go.dev/go.mongodb.org/[email protected]/mongo#example-Connect-AWS