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Connect to API WP plugin

  • A basic WP plugin as a starting point, framework or boilerplate for conecting with an external API and retrieving the data in a html table and AJAX -

Requirements & overall description of plugin

After installation, the plugin will display a table with users information on a custom endpoint

Users are retrieved from an external API for testing purposes:

The default endpoint can be edited on the provided backend options, found on the main WP admin dashboard. Regex validation is applied to the string before being saved on database.

After accessing the endpoint, more details about each user will be displayed when any of the values of table is clicked

The users detail popup works on AJAX request and a new API call is made on each click, using the same class that is used for the users table: ApiCall.php

The table is displayed on a custom template, it is not a post or a page recognized by WP.

Because of this, a class named Prevent404.php will prevent WP treating the endpoint as a 404 page / error

Install using composer

  1. Open console
  2. Open plugins folder of WP installation
  3. Run git clone
  4. Enter apiusers plugin folder
  5. Run composer install
  6. Run composer update if necessary


The default Endpoint is named like the plugin name: apiusers

There is no link supplied on the frontend, just access by typing the endpoint after website URL. Or place a link anywere on the frontend

PHP Code Sniffer / Inpsyde standards

Use vendor/bin/phpcs --standard="Inpsyde" <path-file> to run on single files


phpunit is ready to use, and a single test file (/tests/ApiusersTest.php) will execute all tests:


  1. Create new database for testing purposes
  2. Install testing environment from console, on the plugin folder bash bin/ <db-name> <db-user> <db-pass> <db-host> latest
  3. Run test file using: vendor/bin/phpunit tests/ApiusersTest.php

Please take in consideration that this testing file is only for demostration purposes and it does not cover all methods, only 4 tests are provided from different classes: ValidateEndpoint::validateTheEndpoint() , ApiCall::CallApi(null) , ApiCall::CallApi(int) and BackendDashboard::callbackvalidation()


Some backend options are included on the WP admin dashboard.

The WP settings API was used.

  • Customize Endpoint: Allows to edit the default endpoint.
  • View: Displays integrated with theme or removing header & footer
  • Credits: Hide / Display credits below table


  • Plugin Author: Sebastian Rossi
  • Plugin name: Api Users
  • Plugin textdomain: apiusers
  • Contact: [email protected]


Api Users Inpsyde task







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