Eventually this should easily create SQL Injection proof SQL statements
A Statment consists of Clauses.
A Clause consists of one or a Collection of Elements
A Collection consists of one or multiple Elements.
A Collection is itself an Element and can therefor be nested.
An Element is the basic building block of the SQL string.
A Expression is an Element representing a scalar value or NULL.
A Identifier is an Element representing a database, a table or a field.
A Identifier can be qualified using another unqualified identifier.
A Alias is an Element that assigns a Identifier to an Expression or another Identifier
All these objects can return a basic SQL string using getString()
or just casting them to a string.
All these objects can return a PreparedElement using 'prepare()`.
A PreparedElement can also return a string, like every Element. But this string may contain placeholders.
A PreparedElement can return the values corresponding to the placeholders in an array, using 'getParameters()'.
statement with or without fields, and/or a FROM
and/or a WHERE
clause are currently supported.
clause supports multiple comparison operations. By default these are combined using the AND
Comparison operations can also be chained themselves using andIs()
or orIs()
Currently equalTo()
(=), lessThen()
(<) and greaterThen()
(>) comparisons are supported.
These comparisons can be called on the basic elements that form the SQL clauses.
with PHPunit 5.7.21 on PHP 5.6.25
on seb-ster/exception, which is used as a marker exception for the seb-ster namespace
use SebSter\SQL;
$table = new SQL\Element\Identifier('userTable');
$two = new SQL\Element\Expression(2);
$five = new SQL\Element\Expression(5);
$id = new SQL\Element\Identifier('userId', $table);
$select = new SQL\Statement\Select();
SELECT * FROM `userTable` WHERE `userTable`.`userId` > 5 OR `userTable`.`userId` < 2;
$preparedSelect = $select->prepare()
SELECT * FROM userTable
WHERE `userTable`.`userId` > :0 OR `userTable`.`userId` < :1;
array: [':0'=>5, ':1'=>2]