Custom Start/home page (multi LIVE Search) with live animated weather and news ticker - written in HTML/JS. Minimal, self-hosted, and dope.
Last Updated: 17 NOV 2019:
- Added Google Analytics (Action Required).
- Code maintenance.
- Updated jQuery, Bootstrap.
- Self hosted, VERY minimal(ish)/lightweight.
- Live searching.
- Customizable Bookmarks.
- Mobile ready.
- Fully functional multi-search input form (Google, YouTube, Wiki, IMDB).
- Live custom news ticker provided by: ($1/month).
- Background auto change (day/night).
- Monthly calendar modal (Click on date) (Appears only on desktop browsers - screen height > 730px).
- Live DTG with click-to-convert time (12/24hr).
- Weather data auto generated via Geolocation.
- Weather API provided via OpenWeatherMap.
- Click-to-convert Celsius/Fahrenheit.
- 5-day forecast data (Click on right weather icon).
- Page hit counter (PHP) (bottom right).
- Stand-alone weather app can be found here:
- Check out my other self-hosted apps here:
- Add desired background image files:
: LINE 38 & 55:
background: url("background_day.jpg");
NOTE: Background DAY displays from 0800-2000 local browser time
- Turn ON search auto-complete by changing the value to
< "autocomplete="ON" >
at the following location:
: LINE 265:
<input type="search" id="flexbox-input" name="s" value="" placeholder=" Search..." autocomplete="off" spellcheck="false" autofocus>
- Acquire your FREE API key at
- Replace the default key:
: LINE 12:
var weatherApiKey = ' YOUR KEY HERE ';
- Change the default temp unit from F to C by changing the following two items:
: LINE 128:
<div id="unit" class="unit hidden">°F</div>
: LINE 8:
var unit = 'metric';
- Weather auto refresh default setting is 30 seconds (2 calls per minute), or 30000(ms). Max is 60 API calls per 1 minute. Change at the following location:
: LINE 201:
var t = window.setInterval(searchByLocation, 30000);
- Create a customized feed.mikle ticker widget for RSS news sources and style. Go to, create an account, and replicate the settings of the screenshot image
located in this repo. - Input the custom ticker widget URL at the following location:
: Line 293:
<script src="" data-fw-param=" YOUR NUMBER HERE "></script>
- Acquire a FREE Google Analytics site ID at:
- Replace the default site ID
at the following location:
: LINE 9:
ga('create', 'UA-133756821-1', 'auto');
- Make changes to the live search behavior and/or bookmarks in
. - When using commands, the desired result MUST be selected from the suggestions result list below the input field.
- To view the bookmarks and site keys, press
for the help menu.
(NOTE: The help menu only appears on desktop browsers).
Search any of the sites by typing a colon after the site's key, followed by a search query.
For example:
- Entering
would search GitHub for tilde. - Entering
would search SoundCloud for radiohead.
If an input doesn't match any of the commands, a generic Google search will be triggered.
Navigate directly to a specific location by typing a forward slash after the site's key, followed by the location on the site.
For example:
- Entering
would redirect to - Entering
would redirect to
If a full domain is entered into the search field, the browser will be redirected to that domain or URL.
For example:
- Entering
would redirect to: - Entering
would redirect to:
seanvree (Windows Wizard)
haltdev | jonfinley | leram84 | causefx | cadejscroggins