A single sign on, single sign out prototype implemented using Windows Identity Foundation/ System.IdentityModel/ WsFederation and Asp.Net Mvc.
Please create a self signed certificate and place it in the personal store on your machine. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bfsktky3%28v=vs.110%29.aspx Note the CertificateManager.cs currently looks for a cert named = "SeansCert" in personal store.
Add the certificate thumbprint to the asax of the relying parties.
- Domain specific claim enrichment via each RP's ClaimsAuthenticationManager. These ensure domain concepts do not leak out into the STS and bloat the tokens unecessarily.
- Scalable single sign out using the Realm Tracker. This feature enables us to sign a user out of sites that they have actually visited, rather than issuing an inefficient and unscalable blanket sign out of all federated sites.
- Many others!