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benchmark machine

Development plan:

  1. MVP:

    Queue and runs exist on the benchmark server, which handles everything

  2. Dedicated queue

    To avoid a web server running in the background, have a VM or so that maintains the queue

  3. Cancellation

    Improve UX by allowing cancellation and other niceties


Eventually, we’ll just have a project-wide webhook like this. For now, if you want to test:

  1. Add a asv config to your project (either the project root or a benchmarks directory)
  2. Add a webhook to your scverse project with these webhook settings, i.e.
    • Content type: application/json
    • Let me select individual events → Pull Requests
  3. Add a label benchmark to a PR authored by a trusted user.
  4. Watch scverse-benchmarks add and update a comment with the PR’s performance impact.

MVP Setup

All these currently assume you have a <user> login with sudo rights on the scvbench server.


  • Use journalctl -u benchmark -f on the server to tail the logs of the service.
  • Check GitHub’s page for Hook deliveries.

One-time server setup

  1. As the benchmarker user, install micromamba, then:

    micromamba create -n asv -c conda-forge conda mamba virtualenv asv
    micromamba run -n asv asv machine --yes

    (use micromamba activate asv to make asv available in your PATH)

  2. Update LoadCredentialEncrypted lines in benchmark.service using

    sudo systemd-creds encrypt --name=webhook_secret secret.txt -
    sudo systemd-creds encrypt --name=app_key app-key.pem -
    shred secret.txt app-key.pem
  3. Copy the benchmark.service file to the system, enable and start the service:

    $ rsync benchmark.service <user>@scvbench:
    $ ssh <user>@scvbench
    scvbench$ sudo mv benchmark.service /etc/systemd/system/
    scvbench$ sudo systemctl enable --now benchmark

Further steps:

  1. Setup chrony (/etc/chrony.conf) to use internal servers

    server trust
  2. Performance setup


  1. Make changes in <branch> (either main or a PR branch) and wait until CI finishes.
  2. Run nu scripts/ <branch> --user=<user>.
  3. Trigger a run, e.g. remove and re-add the benchmark label in PR 11.


For local development:

  1. Start the server locally
  2. use scripts/ to send a payload (check the script for examples for both steps)


Code for running benchmarks



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