PiSCSI allows a Raspberry Pi to function as emulated SCSI devices (hard disk, CD-ROM, and others) for vintage SCSI-based computers and devices. This is a fork of the RaSCSI project by GIMONS.
Tutorial for using the DE1-SoC/DE0-Nano-SoC boards for bare-metal and linux programming
Interactive Image Generation via Generative Adversarial Networks
All the Open Source Software provided by BMW for their i3
lecture notes for cyberwizard workshops
scshepard / workshops
Forked from cyberwizardinstitute/workshopslecture notes for cyberwizard workshops
scshepard / twam-flask
Forked from ains/twam-flaskRepository for the Flask portion of my "Things which aren't magic" series.
scshepard / flask-sqlalchemy-login-manager-template
Forked from payoung/flask-sqlalchemy-login-manager-templateTemplate for fask apps with a login system and db connection already setup
Flask, Flask-Login & MongoDB example
scshepard / flask-login
Forked from maxcountryman/flask-loginFlask user session management.
scshepard / pgcontents
Forked from quantopian/pgcontentsA Postgres-backed ContentsManager implementation for IPython
Boilerplate template for a Python Flask application with Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-WTF, Fabric, Coverage, and Bootstrap
scshepard / day3-instant-flask-web-development-book-app
Forked from shekhargulati/day3-instant-flask-web-development-book-appSample app built in instant flask web development book
scshepard / flaskr-tdd
Forked from mjhea0/flaskr-tddFlaskr: Intro to Flask, Test Driven Development (TDD), and jQuery
How to use the Consumer Notebook API with Python's Flask microframework and Heroku.
scshepard / data-reporting
Forked from dwillis/data-reportingCourse materials for MPJO-722-01, Georgetown University
scshepard / flask
Forked from pallets/flaskA microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions
scshepard / webpy
Forked from webpy/ is a web framework for python that is as simple as it is powerful.
scshepard / http.js
Forked from wylst/http.jsMake HTTP requests from client-side JavaScript.
The Levenshtein Python C extension module contains functions for fast computation of Levenshtein distance and string similarity
scshepard / fuzzywuzzy
Forked from seatgeek/fuzzywuzzyFuzzy String Matching in Python
A awesome list of (large-scale) public datasets on the Internet. (On-going collection)
A very simple example application which demonstrates the use of SOLR and Solarium for Geospatial search
scshepard / json-for-networks
Forked from netjson/netjsonJSON formats for Networks
scshepard / stylist
Forked from alanshaw/stylistAn adventure workshop to teach CSS
scshepard / credit-card-regex
Forked from kevva/credit-card-regexRegular expression for matching credit card numbers
scshepard / databootcamp
Forked from nikisix/databootcampData Science Boot Camp: the first mentor-mentee exchange for people who want to learn more about data science.
Equations for computing the position of the Sun.