This is a website with information on using GNU+Linux, mostly targeted to new users. It is a supporting element to the Friendly GNU/Linux threads found on 4chan's /g/ board.
If you wish to contribute to the website, send a patch to
~tyil/[email protected]
Mirrors of this repository can be found at the following locations:
These instructions should work using Bash on a Linux-based OS, and maybe on BSD, too---not tested yet. They're known to work on Debian. They use rbenv with ruby-build to build an up-to-date Ruby stack in your home directory.
Install rbenv:
$ git clone ~/.rbenv
$ echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
$ ~/.rbenv/bin/rbenv init # Do what it says
$ exec bash -l
Install ruby-build:
$ mkdir -p "$(rbenv root)"/plugins
$ git clone "$(rbenv root)"/plugins/ruby-build
List available stable versions of Ruby, and install the most recent one; at the time of writing, this is v2.7.1. The build may take a while.
$ rbenv install --list | awk '/^[0-9]/{ver=$0} END{print ver}'
$ rbenv install 2.7.1
$ rbenv global 2.7.1
You may have to install some dependencies for the build to work.
Clone the site repository and change directory into it:
$ git clone
$ cd
Install Ruby libraries; this also takes a while:
$ bundle install
Run the development web server:
$ bundle exec jekyll serve
You should then be able to browse to, and changes you make to the site should be reflected in your browser after a refresh.
Follow the instructions on
relevant to your operating system to get set up with
. We can't give
generic instructions here, as how to do this depends on too many
variables---chiefly your operating system and email provider.
Then, assuming you've been working on master
, do this:
$ git config format.subjectPrefix 'PATCH'
$ git send-email origin/master
If you're trying to stay anonymous, you should probably send yourself a test first, and check the headers of the email you receive carefully, because the messages sent might include identifying personal or network information in the headers or commit data that you'd rather not share. It'll be published to a public mailing list, so you need to be sure you're comfortable sharing everything in there.
Once you're confident it all looks sane, you can set up the maintainer address, and submit your patches for real:
$ git config '~tyil/[email protected]'
$ git send-email origin/master
All content is released under the CC-BY-SA license, unless explicitly stated otherwise on a given page.
The source code is all released under the GNU General Public License, which can
be found in LICENSE