This set of tools provides a reasonably secure mechanism for burning ENG on Ethereum, and minting SCRT 1-to-1 on the Enigma chain.
Development tasks:
- Smart contract that burns ENG
- Leader that watches Ethereum, and unsigned tx to the db (mocked tx)
- Operator watches Ethereum and sign the tx (mocked sig)
- Leader ratifies the tx and submits to enigma cli
- Integrate enigmacli into the operator and learder (real tx and sig)
- Frontend React template integrate with Web and the smart contract
- Burn ENG form in frontend
- End-to-end integration test
- Stress test and dry run
- Minter module that authenticates the multisig address (is this needed?)
Operational tasks:
- Vote on operators and leader
- Do we need a Minter module or are coins pre-mined?
- Operators configure their private key in their enigmad
- Leader creates the multigig address and imports operators public keys in enigmad
This repo contains the implementation for the Multisig Setup Proposal
First ensure you are in a new and empty directory.
Install the dependencies
In a new terminal session, run ganache:
ganache-cli -d -i 50
In another new terminal session, run the database:
docker-compose run --service-ports mongo
Compile and migrate the smart contracts:
yarn migrate
Run the unit tests (the
yarn test
also migrates). The unit test is more of an integration tests that burns tokens and verifies the leader and operators busines logic.yarn test
Start the leader
# Set other environment variables in a .env file in the project root ROLE=leader node ./server.js
Start multiple operators
# Set other environment variables in a .env file in the project root ROLE=operator node ./server.js
folder contains a frontend template that gets Web3 and imports theEngSwap
contract. The contract has singleburnFunds(bytes memory _recipient, uint256 _amount)
public function. Usage specs and examples can be found inswap.test.js
. When all the components are online, swaps can be tested by callingburnFunds
using Remix or Web3, or buy creating a page in the frontend.
How do I use this with the Ganache-CLI?
It's as easy as modifying the config file! Check out our documentation on adding network configurations. Depending on the port you're using, you'll also need to update line 29 of