The query composer is a web based application that provides the front end for creating, managing, and executing queries.
Those queries are executed against the query gateway which exposes a query API, accepts queries, runs those queries against the patient data, and returns the results of the query back to the query composer.
hQuery will run properly on OSX and various distributions of Linux
hQuery will also run on Windows, however, there are some minor limitations to functionality and performance.
- Ruby = 1.9.3
- Rails 3.2.7
- MongoDB >= 2.4.1
- Webrick = 1.3.1 added to eliminate nuisance messages in log regarding: WARN Could not determine content-length of response body. Set content-length of the response or set Response#chunked = true
Based on information gotten from adding Webrick explicitly to Gemfile (even though it is the version already being used) resolves the problem.
- rails 3.2.7 (later versions of rails escape single and double quotes with ' and " which causes mongoid queries to fail)
- jquery-rails 1.0.19 and jQuery UI 1.8.16
- minitest < 5.0.0
When using the visual Query Builder in Firefox (but not with Chrome or IE), there is an issue with popups containing the message:
"This web page is being redirected to a new location. Would you like to resend the form data you have typed to the new location?"
This message will continue to popup until "Cancel" is entered. The builder works OK despite this irritating message.
To eliminate these warnings from Firefox, the following configuration change can be applied (from ):
- Type in your firefox url : about:config
- Then toggle the following option : network.http.prompt-temp-redirect to false
Once you get a copy of the hQuery code from GitHub (, these are step-by-step instructions to get hQuery installed on your local machine.
These steps are the steps required to get both the Query Composer and Query Gateway up and running
###Summary of Steps OSX and LINUX
- Install Ruby
- Update Gems
- Install Git
- Install Mongo
- Create clone of repositories
- Populate Data
- Start Application
- Adding a User Account
###Summary of Steps for Windows
- (windows) Download and install Railsinstaller
- Update Gems (this step is not necessary if Railsinstaller v2.0.0 used)
- Install Git (this step is not necessary if Railsinstaller used)
- Install Mongo
- (windows) Create Clone of repositories
- Populate Data
- (windows) Start Application
- Adding a User Account
###Common setup requirements for OSX and LINUX install ruby 1.9.3 or later install bundler 1.0.14 or later
###1. Ruby installation process for OSX and LINUX
Ruby should be installed via RVM (Ruby Version Manager) when available. Details on rvm can be found at including installation instructions. The basic install procedure for RVM is as follows:
First you will need to install XCode see: or install from your OSX install disk.
Open a terminal and run
bash < <(curl -s
rvm install 1.9.3
rvm use 1.9.3
Open a terminal and run
apt-get install ruby rubygems
apt-get install build-essential curl file zlib1g-dev libreadline5-dev libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev
gem install rvm
rvm install 1.9.3
rvm use 1.9.3
###Getting Ruby Directly Ruby can also be installed directly from the following without the use of RVM.
The rails installer may be helpful under windows.
###1w. WINDOWS - Download and install Railsinstaller
a) If you are working from behind a proxy, from the cmd prompt issue following command
$ set HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy_host:proxy_port
b) Download and install railsinstaller
Packages included are (outdated information): Ruby 1.9.2 Rails 3.1 Bundler 1.0.18 Git 1.7.6 Sqlite 3.7.3 TinyTDS 0.4.5 SQL Server support 3.0.14 DevKit
Follow the included directions and these packages should be successfully installed.
A key will be saved to the clipboard during this process for Git. During the process you will be asked to enter an email and other information. Upon completion goto GitHub and use the email used durning setup to register. Paste the key that was saved to the clipboard as a new key in GitHub.
d) Install the ruby dev kit, also available at The dev kit will allow building native gems.
near the bottom of the page you should see a link for the dev kit DevKit-tdm-32-4.5.1-20101214-1400-sfx.exe
If you don't have MinGW installed, install it to c:/MinGW available: Install all components when prompted
Running this exe will extract the contents.
You should extract the contents to c:\DevKit -
open a command prompt to the DevKit directory and run
ruby dk.rb init
Verify the new file config.yml contains a reference to Ruby192
ruby dk.rb install
Next you will want to run pi.bat in the post install directory
###1j. JRuby
Currently jruby instructions are not available
WINDOWS: a. download from b. add jruby bin path to PATH environment variable c. execute "export JRUBY_OPTS=--1.9"
###2. Gem Update
Bundler install process
Install ruby gems from:
- download zip file
- unzip zip file
- in unzipped rubygems directory, run "ruby setup.rb"
Bundler ( is a Ruby Gem ( that is used to manage the dependencies of a ruby application.
The bundler gem can be installed by running the following command in the terminal once ruby has been installed.
gem install bundler
###Getting the latest released version
Getting the latest source code (skip to "Installing Mongo" if you are using the latest stable release)
###3. Installing GIT
NOTE FOR WINDOWS: If you installed from the railsinstaller git will be installed so this step will not be needed
In order to get access to the source code, you will require git.
If you do not already have git, it can be installed by following the directions at:
###4. Installing MongoDB
The reference implementation uses a database called MongoDB.
In order to run the reference implementation, MongoDB must be installed.
MongoDB installers for most operating systems can be found at:
###5. Getting the Code
git clone http://githuburl/
###5w. WINDOWS - Getting the Code
Register with Gitorious Request to be added to project
From GitBash
git clone <repository> <cloned repository name>
###6. Populating example data
Sample patient is added to the query gateway database in step 7
###7. Starting the Application
In a terminal, change directory to the query-composer directory run:
bundle install
bundle exec script/delayed_job start
bundle exec rails server
In a second terminal, change directory to the query-gateway directory run:
bundle install
bundle exec rake db:seed
bundle exec script/delayed_job start
sbundle exec rails server -p 3001
In a browser open the URL: https://localhost:3000/queries/
###7w. WINDOWS - Starting the Application
Open a terminal and start mongo. (if you do not have mongo in your PATH settings you will have to migrate to the mongo bin directory): mongod
In a terminal, change directory to the query-composer directory run:
Add the directory /tmp/pids to the query-composer directory
bundle update
bundle install
bundle exec ruby script/delayed_job run
In a new terminal run: bundle exec rails server
In a third terminal, change directory to the query-gateway directory run:
Add the directory /tmp/pids to the query-gateway directory
bundle update
bundle install
Finish starting the application by running the following: bundle exec rake db:seed bundle exec ruby script/delayed_job run
Run the following in a different terminal: bundle exec rails server -p 3001
In a browser open the URL: https://localhost:3000/queries/
###8. Adding an Administrative User Account
When the application opens, you should be presented with a login page. You should see a sign up Link, click it. Fill out the form to create a user. Next you need to approve the user and set the user as an admin. In the root of the query-composer project run the command:
bundle exec rake hquery:users:grant_admin USER_ID=<USERNAME>
where <USERNAME> is replaced with the username for the user you just created.
###9. Adding a Non-administrative User Account
When the application opens, the user will be presented with a login page. They will see a sign up Link which they should click. They then need to fill out the form to create their user account. Next you need to approve the user. In the root of the query-composer project run the command:
bundle exec rake hquery:users:approve USER_ID=<USERNAME>
where <USERNAME> is replaced with the username for the user account that is being approved.
Copyright 2011 The MITRE Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Please try to follow our Coding Style Guides. Additionally, we will be using git in a pattern similar to Vincent Driessen's workflow. While feature branches are encouraged, they are not required to work on the project.