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tcsc - Trento checks for supportconfig

Makes Trento checks usable for support cases by using them on supportconfigs.

πŸ’‘ This is a rewrite of the proof-of-value which final version can be found here:

πŸ’‘ This project targets primary support engineers working with supportconfigs, but can also be used to assist in Trento check development. See Trento Check Development for details.

❗ This version works only with Wanda versions, where checks are in a separate container. This should be the default since Trento 2.4.


You need git (optional) as well as docker and docker-compose installed to run containers.

πŸ’‘ The tcsc is containerized by default, but being a simple Python script, you can run it directly. You need a current Python version (3.10 and 3.11 have been tested) and have to install the docker, defusedxml and termcolor modules (pip3 install docker defusedxml termcolor). To make life easier create an alias tcsc to call your Python interpreter with the absolute path to src/' so you can run the command from everywhere. You also need to adapt wanda_url to "http://localhost:4000" in the configuration file (see Configuration File) or provide your own config with -c.


Below follows a longish README with all the details. This might frighten you! To judge if it is worth your time, here how it could look like when you check a supportconfig after you have done the Setup:

> tcsc hosts create SR006699 scc_vmhana01_231011_1528.txz scc_vmhana02_231011_1533.txz
> tcsc checks run SR006699 
> tcsc hosts remove SR006699

This would run all current Trento checks on the cluster's supportconfigs which apply.


❗ The following steps have been done on an OpenLeap 15.5, but should be similar on other distros.

Do the following steps as root:

  1. Install prerequisites. :

    zypper install git docker-compose-switch docker
  2. Enable and start docker:

    systemctl enable --now docker.service
  3. Add your user to the docker group:

    usermod -aG docker YOUR_USER

❗ Don't forget to log out and log on again!

Do the following steps as normale user:

  1. Clone this repo and enter the project directory (or get it otherwise):

    git clone
    cd trento_checks_for_supportconfig
  2. Run: ./install

    It sets up and starts the Wanda containers as well as creating the image for the supportconfig hosts.

    πŸ’‘ To use a specific Wanda version set the environment variable WANDA_VERSION. The default always uses the latest released version. For a specific one, run: WANDA_VERSION=... ./install

    πŸ’‘ To use a specific container registry for Wanda set the environment variable WANDA_REGISTRY. The default always uses containing the rolling release. To use a different, run: WANDA_REGISTRY=... ./install The registry for the released version is

    ❗ If the personal configuration file ~/.config/tscs/config exists, the install script puts the new one as ~/.config/tscs/ Verify if changes need to be adapted.

    ❗ This version works only with Wanda versions, where checks are in a separate container, which should be the default since Trento 2.4.

  3. Place the script tcsc in ~/bin or /usr/local/bin (last requires root).


To update the entire installation:

  1. Enter the repo directory.
  2. Update the repo: git pull
  3. Delete the existing setup: ./uninstall
  4. Install the updated version: ./install

To update only a part of the stack, update the repo first with git pull and use the scripts in setup/:

  • To update only Wanda call: setup/uninstall_wanda && setup/install_wanda
    Do not forget the set the environment variables for the version and registry if needed.

  • To update the host container call setup/uninstall_host && setup/install_host

  • To update the command container call setup/uninstall_cmd && setup/install_cmd

⚠️ An uninstallation removes the containers, images and volumes.

❗ After a git pull do not forget to update the tcsc script in ~/bin, /usr/local/bin or wherever you put it.

πŸ”§ The host and command containers can be build locally. To do so use the scripts setup/install_host_local and setup/install_cmd_local. Remove the ones pulled from the GitHub registry first by calling setup/uninstall_host and setup/uninstall_cmd.


To remove all containers, images, volumes and networks, call: ./uninstall and delete the tcsc script in ~/bin, /usr/local/bin or wherever you put it.

Inspect a supportconfig

The tool to work with, is tcsc. It can

  • manage the Wanda stack,
  • manage the required supportconfig containers
  • list and execute the checks.

Manage Wanda

To inspect a supportconfig, the Wanda stack must be running. To verify the status, run:

tcsc wanda status

If you get the output Wanda is operational everything is fine.

πŸ’‘ Per default tcsc starts Wanda automatically if needed. This can be changed by setting wanda_autostart in ~/.config/tcsc/config. See Configuration File for details.

πŸ’‘ It is normal, that the tcsc-trento-checks container always reports as exited. The container just exists to provide a volume with the Trento checks.

In case Wanda is not there, run:

tcsc wanda start

If you do not need Wanda anymore, you can stop the stack with:

tcsc wanda stop

Manage Hosts (supportconfig Containers)

To run checks, for each supportconfig an individual (host) container must be started. Such a container runs the trento-agent inside and connects to Wanda. For Wanda the container is simply a host which shall be checked. Therefore the content of the supportconfig is placed inside the container in a way, that the trento-agent accepts it as system data. The idea is to "simulate" the customers setup using the support and let Wanda check it.

Currently there are two types of Trento checks. Single checks and multi checks.
Single checks run only on one individual host, contrary to multi checks which need at least two systems (depending on the check of course) and it most cases compare settings between them.
As consequence you should always create one host container for each host with the appropriate supportconfig if you deal with a cluster.

To create a host container, run:

tcsc hosts create GROUPNAME [-e KEY=VALUE...] SUPPORTFILE...
  • GROUPNAME is a free name to group hosts which belong together (e.g. cluster). This name is later used to execute checks on the hosts. Use case numbers, system names, customer names, whatever is semantic.
    In case of HA clusters, each cluster must be separate group!

  • SUPPORTFILE is the supportconfig itself or the directory with the extracted archive. For each supportconfig one host container gets started.
    In case of an HA cluster supportconfigs from all nodes have to be listed, otherwise some checks will fail!

  • KEY=VALUE environment pairs contain information to Wanda normally provided by Trento internally. tcsc tries to detect these information automatically, but this might fail. Best verify them by running: tcsc hosts status -d GROUPNAME (the command will be described later) after creation. The Trento checks rely on those information and will result in false positives or false negatives, if set wrongly. **The detection is an educated guess at best. Please verify it. If the detection was wrong, remove the group and re-create them with the correct parameters.

    The following keys are used.

    • provider
      Virtualization or Cloud the system is running on. Bare metal uses default.
      one of: azure, aws, gcp, kvm, nutanix, vmware, default, unknown

      ❗ Currently only Nutanix does not get detected automatically.

    • cluster_type
      One of hana_scale_up, hana_scale_out, ascs_ers in case of a HA cluster, otherwise None.
      If more then one supportconfig is given, an HA cluster is assumed and the cluster type detection is done.

    • ensa_version (ASCS/ERS cluster)
      One of ensa1, ensa2, mixed_versions in case of ASCS/ERS (cluster_type is ascs_ers), otherwise None
      In case of a SAP HANA cluster ensa_version is irrelevant and always None.

    • filesystem_type (ASCS/ERS cluster)
      One of resource_managed, simple_mount, mixed_fs_types in case of ASCS/ERS (cluster_type is ascs_ers), otherwise None
      In case of a SAP HANA cluster ensa_version is irrelevant and always None.

    • architecture_type (SAP HANA cluster)
      One of classic, angi in case of SAP HANA (cluster_type is hana_scale_up or hana_scale_out), otherwise None
      Only required in case of a SAP HANA HA cluster. On an ASCS/ERS cluster the value is irrelevant and always None.

    • hana_scenario (SAP HANA cluster)
      One of performance_optimized, cost_optimized, unknown in case of an SAP HANA ScaleUp HA cluster (cluster_type is hana_scale_up), otherwise None
      Only required in case of a SAP HANA ScaleUp HA cluster. On an SAP HANA ScaleOut HA cluster or an ASCS/ERS cluster the value is irrelevant and always None.

    πŸ’‘ The environment information also can be provided/overwritten when running the checks.

Should the start of a host container fail, check the container logs (see Troubleshooting below). To get a host container at least started, the supportconfig must contain the files:

  • basic-environment.txtΒΈ
  • ha.txt
  • rpm.txt
  • plugin-ha_sap.txt

If you do not need the host container anymore stop and destroy them with:

tcsc hosts stop GROUPNAME


tcsc hosts remove GROUPNAME

πŸ’‘ A stop only stops the container, but leaves the container images, so they can be started later again simply with: tcsc hosts start GROUPNAME. The support files are not read again.

πŸ”§ Example for a HA cluster:

tcsc hosts create ACME-HANAProd cases/47114711/scc_vmhana01_231011_1528.txz cases/47114711/scc_vmhana02_231011_1533.txz

This starts two containers, one for scc_vmhana01_231011_1528 and one for scc_vmhana02_231011_1533, which can be addressed via ACME-HANAProd together.

After running checks, destroy the containers by:

tcsc hosts remove ACME-HANAProd

Anytime you can get an overview about your running host containers with:

tcsc hosts status [GROUPNAME]

πŸ’‘ Use -d or --detail to get more information about the host containers, like the container id, the Trento agent id, the hostname (from the supportconfig), the hostgroup and the referenced support files (with the container hostfs mountpoint), the environment data (provider, cluster type, etc.) and the manifest (extracted information from the support files).

The supportfiles are only read once when the host container is created. A restart of an existing host container does not reread the files, but it can be triggered with:

tcsc hosts rescan GROUPNAME

The host container must be running at that time.

Run the Checks

To list all supported checks grouped by the Trento check group, run:

tcsc checks list

πŸ’‘ To also list not supported or unknown checks, use -a or --all.
A check is not (yet) supported, because the information required is not part of the support files or there is not yet a method implemented to prepare the data for the Trento gatherers (see Which Gatherer Works for details).
An unknown check means that the gatherer used by the check is not known to tcsc yet.

πŸ’‘ Use -d or --detail to get more information about the checks, like type, supported providers and cluster types or the used gatherer.

To execute all supported checks on a group (of running host containers), run:

tcsc checks run GROUPNAME

πŸ”§ All checks are executed subsequential. If you want the execution be hold when a check does not pass, use the option -w. The execution resumes if you press ENTER.

❗ Certain environment information get autodetected when creating the host group. Those settings need to be correct or the checks will result in incorrect results (See above Manage Hosts (supportconfig Containers)). Current settings can be shown with tcsc hosts status -d GROUPNAME. If you do not want to re-create the hostgroup, you can override the settings using -e KEY=VALUE... when running the checks.

If only a limited amount of checks shall be executed, you can either provide the Trento check group:

tcsc checks run GROUPNAME -g GROUP

or the check id:

tcsc checks run GROUPNAME -c CHECK

πŸ”§ To have more then one group or check, use -g or -c multiple times.

πŸ”§ To see only checks, which have not passed, add the option -f.

πŸ”§ Skipped checks are only shown with -s. A check can have the following results:

  • skipped
    The check was skipped because:

    • It is a multi check, but the hostgroup only contains one host.
    • Certain provider, architecture type, ENSA version or filesystem type are required by the check, but do not match the hosts.

    Skipped checks are only shown with -s|--show-skipped.

  • passing
    Everything went fine.

  • warning
    Something is not critical, but should checked.

  • critical The check failed. The message section should explain why and the remediation section guides to a solution including links to official documentation.

    ❗ It is possible, that the check failed because the supportconfig missed relevant data or the wrong provider has been chosen. Check the manifest of the hosts with tcsc hosts status GROUPNAME -d.

  • error
    An error can have multiple reasons. Here a few examples:

    • communication error with Wanda,
    • Wanda cannot process the check,
    • the check has a bug or
    • anything else.

If you get a Wanda response: 422 - Unprocessable content. error, in most cases it is an incompatibility between the host setup and the check. Contrary to Trento tcsc does not yet filters out checks, which are not suited for the support files.

Some checks are only valid on for certain providers (e.g. AWS) and do not work on others, so check fist tif the chosen provider is the correct one.

Wanda is not very chatty in regards of error messages. If you are sure, that the check should work, something in the check or the Wanda API has changed and the checks or tools (like are not up to date yet. Trento is very active.
Try to update everything: Wanda, this project and If this does not help, create an issue.


❗ Remember when troubleshoot, that tcsc is running inside a container!`

  • If you experience errors after updating. compare the personal configuration file ~/.config/tscs/config with the new one ~/.config/tscs/ written by the install script. Maybe changes need to be adapted.

  • If the install script - or more precise setup/install_wanda - terminates with:

    invalid reference format

    the provided WANDA_URL is wrong. The URL must not end with a /.

  • If the install script - or more precise setup/install_wanda - terminates with:

    Error response from daemon: manifest unknown

    check if the provided WANDA_VERSION is correct. It can take some time until a new version turns up in the release repository.

  • If wanda status terminates with Wanda is not operational! either some required container are not running or mandatory volumes are not present. If the container status list does not look like:

    [running]           tcsc-wanda        
    [running]           tcsc-rabbitmq     
    [exited ]           tcsc-trento-checks
    [running]           tcsc-postgres  

    try to stop and start Wanda or call uninstall and install. If the problem remains something must we wrong with the docker setup or the container images.

    ❗ The tcsc-trento-checks container only provides a volume and will never run.

  • If a wanda status reports

    ... misses the mandatory volumes "tcsc-trento-checks" 

    most probably something is wrong with the tcsc-trento-checks container which provides the trento-checks volume containing the checks.
    Try to stop and start Wanda or call uninstall and install. If the problem remains something must we wrong with the docker setup or the container images.

  • If starting of a supportconfig container fails, the setup script preparing the container from the supportconfig failed. A typical error message for that would be:

    Hosts error: "Start timeout of 3s reached. tcsc-host-..." stopped running.

    Verify the host containers logs (tcsc hosts logs CONTAINERNAME).

  • If a supportconfig container stops all by itself, the trento-agent died. If this happens directly after starting the container, the agent could not connect to Wanda. Check if all the Wanda containers are running and are fine (tcsc wanda status) and verify the host containers logs (tcsc hosts logs CONTAINERNAME).

  • If a supportconfig container starts, but the checks do not work, check the host containers logs (tcsc hosts logs CONTAINERNAME). You can enter the running host with docker exec -it CONTAINERID bash and run trento-agent facts gather --gatherer GATHERER to see if the data collection works. The get a list of available gatherers, run trento-agent facts list. Documentation can be found here:

  • If all checks return the same error message or time out, but the supportconfig container is running, then most certainly something has changed in Wanda or the agent. Trento is an active project and changes happen often. Try to uninstall, update the repo and install again, which should also pull the latest image versions.

  • If tcsc wanda status returns:

    [running]           tcsc-wanda   
    [running]           tcsc-rabbitmq
    [running]           tcsc-postgres
    Wanda is not operational!

    then most probably the communication to the container is broken. Check wanda_url in the configuration file.

  • If you inspect the host container logs, some error messages are to be expected:

    Error initializing dbus: dial unix /run/systemd/private: connect: no such file or directory
    Error while running discovery 'cloud_discovery': exec: "dmidecode": executable file not found in $PATH
    Error while running discovery 'ha_cluster_discovery': Post "http://localhost/api/v1/collect": dial tcp connect: connection refused
    Error while running discovery 'host_discovery': Post "http://localhost/api/v1/collect": dial tcp connect: connection refused
    Error while running discovery 'sap_system_discovery': Post "http://localhost/api/v1/collect": dial tcp connect: connection refused
    Error while running discovery 'saptune_discovery': Post "http://localhost/api/v1/collect": dial tcp connect: connection refused
    Error while running discovery 'subscription_discovery': exec: "SUSEConnect": executable file not found in $PATH
    Error while sending the heartbeat to the server: Post "http://localhost/api/v1/hosts/22b5f542-91f1-5488-9664-20a8024a277e/heartbeat": dial tcp connect: connection refused

    They come either from the limited container environment (the first two) or because nut a full Trento setup is present (discovery errors).
    All of those errors can be considered as normal and do not limit the ability to execute checks.

  • If checks fail, verify that the manifest has no fails. It is possible, that simply required data is not part of the
    supportconfig. To see the manifest, run tcsc hosts status -d GROUP.
    The following issues are known:

    • usr_sap: failed
      The supportutils-plugin-ha-sap package is to old. Support was added in v1.0.5 (plugin code version).

    • saptune: failed
      The required JSON support is added to plugin-saptune with saptune 3.2.

Used Supportconfig Files

The following files from the supportconfig are used:

  • basic-environment.txt
    Content of /etc/os-release.
    gatherer: os-release, os-release@v1
    manifest entry: os-release

  • env.txt
    Output of /sbin/sysctl -a.
    gatherer: sysctl, sysctl@v1
    manifest entry: sysctl

  • fs-diskio.txt
    Content of /etc/fstab.
    gatherer: fstab, fstab@v1
    manifest entry: fstab

  • network.txt
    Content of /etc/hosts.
    gatherer: hosts, hosts@v1
    manifest entry: hosts

  • ha.txt
    Contents of:

    • /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
    • /etc/sysconfig/sbd
    • /var/lib/pacemaker/ as well as the dump of /usr/sbin/sbd -d DISK dump.


    • corosync.conf, corosync.conf@v1
    • sbd_config, sbd_config@v1
    • cibadmin, cibadmin@v1
    • sbd_dump, sbd_dump@v1

    manifest entry:

    • corosync.conf
    • sysconfig_sbd
    • pacemaker_files
    • sbd_dumps
  • rpm.txt
    Package information for

    • pacemaker
    • corosync
    • python3
    • SAPHanaSR
    • sbd
    • supportutils-plugin-ha-sap
    • sap_suse_cluster_connector
    • SLES_SAP-release
    • saptune

    gatherer: package_version, fstpackage_versionb@v1
    manifest entry: rpm_packages

  • systemd.txt
    Create empty files with the correct permissions and ownerships from:

    • /etc/systemd/system/

    gatherer: dir_scan, dir_scan@v1
    manifest entry: usr_sap

  • plugin-ha_sap.txt
    The directory /usr/sap/ (profiles, log files) including /usr/sap/sapservices as well as the outputs of /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostexec and /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl commands.


    • saphostctrl, saphostctrl@v1
    • sap_profiles, sap_profiles@v1
    • sapservices, sapservices@v1
    • disp+work, disp+work@v1

    manifest entry:

    • saphostctrl
    • usr_sap
    • sapservices
    • disp+work
  • plugin-saptune.txt
    The following command outputs get extracted:

    • saptune --format json status
    • saptune --format json note verify
    • saptune --format json note list
    • saptune --format json solution list
    • saptune --format json check gatherer: saptune, saptune@v1
      manifest entry: saptune

❗ Not all files can or data can be present in a supportconfig. Reasons can be:

  • the files were skipped deliberately when the supportconfig was created,
  • the data was never on the system
  • the data gets collected in newer versions of the supportconfig
  • the used plugin was not present (missing package) or the version does not yet contain the needed data

How does the Trento agent get the supportconfig data?

The tcsc hosts create command starts a host container for each given supportconfig. The supportconfig is mounted at /SUPPORTCONFIG either as directory (e.g. /scc_vmhdbqas02_250107_1541) or as archive (e.g. scc_vmhdbqas02_250107_1541.txz), depending on how it was passed at the command line. The processings scripts in /sc (copied into the image at build) do the processing. At container start /sc/startup gets executed. First it runs sc/process_supportfiles to process the support files and finally starts the trento agent.

The sc/process_supportfiles script extracts the supportconfig in case of an archive and calls split-supportconfig ( to create individual files from selected supportconfig text files in /rootfs. Only files or directories required by the Trento gatherers are copied from /rootfs into / in the next step.

Most commanda called by gatherers exist as mocks feeded with supportconfig data and mimick the real command (limited to the functionality required by the gatherers). These mock commands are also located in /sc and get copied into the root filesystem. Examples for those mock commands are: cibadmin, sbd, saptune, disp+work and sysctl.

For the package_version gatherer dummy RPM packages are generated and installed out of rpm.txt for checked packages.

Which Gatherer Works

For a check to work, the called gatherer must work with the confinements of the container. basically we have two hurdles:

  1. The data must part of the supportconfig or the project must be extended to consume more input data.
  2. The gatherer must retrieve the data in the ways the programmer has intended it.

This chapter contains an evaluation for the gatherers (December 2024).


Chances: πŸ˜ƒ

Works by providing a script as cibadmin command, which returns /var/lib/pacemaker/cib/cib.xml (ha.txt) when called with --query --local.

Chances: πŸ˜ƒ

Works by providing /etc/corosync./corosync.conf (ha.txt) in the container rootfs.

Chances: 😐

The gatherer scans directories with a glob pattern provided as argument and returns a list of files matched by the pattern with group/user information associated to each file. Only such checks would work, which address directories/files provided by the supportconfig. It depends therefore on the check if it works or not.

Chances: πŸ˜ƒ

Works by providing /etc/fstab (fs-diskio.txt) in the container rootfs.

Chances: πŸ˜ƒ

Works by providing /etc/hosts (network.txt) in the container rootfs.

Chances: πŸ˜ƒ

Works by providing /etc/os-release (basic-environment.txt) in the container rootfs.

Chances: πŸ˜ƒ

Works by providing an empty on-the-fly created RPM package from rpm.txt.

Chances: πŸ˜ƒ

Returns content of /sapmnt/<SID>/profile and instance profiles are part of plugin-ha_sap.txt.

Chances: πŸ˜ƒ

The /usr/sap/sapservices is part of plugin-ha_sap.txt.

Chances: πŸ˜ƒ

Works by providing /etc/sysconfig/sbd (ha.txt) in the container rootfs.

Chances: πŸ˜ƒ

Works by having a sbd script which returns the expected output from sbd -d <device> dump by processing the sbd dumps of ha.txt.

Chances: πŸ˜ƒ

The gatherer executes sysctl -a which is part of the supportconfig. Just a script named sysctl is needed which returns that part of env.txt.

Chances: 😐/πŸ˜ƒ

Calls saptune --format json command with limited set of commands. The plugin-saptune.txt for 3.2 will contain the JSON output.

Chances: 😐

The gatherer connects to dbus to communicate with systemd. For checks to work, the container needs a dbus and a fake systemd answering the questions of the gatherer from the supportconfig.

Not Working

Chances: 😑

The gatherer is calling corosync-cmapctl -b, which therefore must work. With the corosync object database being an in-memory non-persistent database, checks using that gatherer won't work as long as a dump of the corosync object database is not part of the supportconfig (or provided otherwise).

Chances: 😑

With calling the disp+work command to get compilation_mode, kernel_release and patch_number checks do not work. This data is not part of the supportconfig. To get it to work additional information must be provided as well as a disp+work replacement, which presents the data in the same way as the original disp+work.

Chances: 😑

With /etc/groups not part of the supportconfig, checks using this gatherer do not work.

Chances: 😑

The gatherer does not work most probably. It relies on to get the mount information. It has to be checked how the project is doing it, but if it accesses /proc it can become difficult to provide the supportconfig data.

Also blkid DEVICE -o export gets called by the gatherer. The original command must be replaced by a script presenting the output of blkid (fs-diskio.txt) in the way the gatherer expects it.

Chances: 😑

With /etc/passwd not part of the supportconfig, checks using this gatherer does not work.

Chances: 😑

With only the file list of /etc/products.d/ but not the content of those files being part of the supportconfig, checks using this gatherer do not work.

Chances: 😑

This is a complex gatherer and from reading the description it uses a unix socket connection with /tmp/.sapstream5xx13. Besides the fact, that those data might not be part of the supportconfig, this approach would require to write a program that present the data via a socket to the gatherer.

Chances: 😑

Executes /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/saphostctrl -function FUNCTION. Currently only Ping and ListInstances seems to be supported.
ListInstances is part of plugin-ha_sap.txt, but Ping is still missing but might be added in the future.

Chances: 😑

Th gatherer needs to be investigated further, but the required data is not part of the supportconfig.

Chances: 😑

The command getent shadow USER must work. Since the supportconfig does not contain /etc/shadow or a dump of the user`s password hashes, checks using this gatherer does not work.

Chances: 😑

At first glance the gatherer requires sapcontrol to work and SAP directories to be present. Most probably not working yet.

Configuration File

The configuration file in JSON is located at ~/.config/tcsc/config anf is generated by the install script.

Parameter Type Default Meaning
id string - Unique ID to identify individual tcsc installations. The id is used to label (com.suse.tcsc.uid) supportconfig containers
wanda_containers list ["tcsc-rabbitmq", "tcsc-postgres", "tcsc-wanda", "tcsc-trento-checks"] List of the names of the Wanda containers.
wanda_label string "com.suse.tcsc.stack=wanda" Label for all Wanda containers.
hosts_label string "com.suse.tcsc.stack=host" Label for all host containers.
docker_timeout int 10 Timeout in seconds for docker operations.
startup_timeout int 3 Timeout in seconds until a host container start is considered failed.
wanda_url string "http://tcsc-wanda:4000" URL to the Wanda stack (from inside the tcsc container).
hosts_image string "" Image for the host containers.
wanda_autostart bool true Enables/disables starting of Wanda on demand.
colored_output" bool true Enables/disables coloring the output.

πŸ’‘ Should you build local host images, check and adapt hosts_image.
The scripts setup/install_cmd and setup/install_cmd_local set the parameter to
The script setup/install_hosts sets it to and setup/install_hosts_local to tscs_host.

    "id": "73f31f16-eaba-11ee-994d-5b663d913758",
    "wanda_containers": [
    "wanda_label": "com.suse.tcsc.stack=wanda",
    "hosts_label": "com.suse.tcsc.stack=host",
    "docker_timeout": 10,
    "startup_timeout": 3,
    "wanda_url": "http://tcsc-wanda:4000",
    "hosts_image": "tscs_host",
    "wanda_autostart": true,
    "colored_output": true

JSON Support

For using tcsc in scripts or integrate it into automation, -j switches to JSON output only for all commands.