The API of Joplin Editor in Python 3.6+
## requirements
- python 3.6+
- requests
git clone
cd joplin-api
python install
>>> from joplin_api import JoplinApi
>>> joplin = JoplinApi(token='the token provided by Joplin in the WebClipper menu:P'))
>>> # to check if the service is up
>>> joplin.get_folders() # to get all the folders
>>> folder_title = 'Default'
>>> folder = joplin.create_folder(folder_title) # to create a folder
>>> # to create a new note
>>> note_title = 'My title'
>>> note_body = '# My Title ## My Subtitle my body'
>>> joplin.create_note(note_title, note_body, folder['id'])
>>> joplin.get_notes() # to get all the notes
>>> joplin.get_tags() # to get all the tags
>>> joplin.version() # to get the version of joplin
before starting the Unit Test, you will need to set the Token line 9 of
token = 'the token found on the webclipper config of joplin desktop'