This is a plugin for Logseq that allows you to search your literature in Zotero and creates customizable literature pages. These use the Nunjucks syntax and allow for maximum customization on your side.
No API or internet connection is required, making it truly local!
- import your literature from Zotero as you need it
- customize the appearance of literature pages according to your needs
- modify data with Nunjucks
- download this repository
- enable Developer mode in Logseq
- in the Plugins window in Logseq click on
Load unpacked plugin
and select the downloaded repository - export your Zotero library in BetterBibTeX JSON format (with keep updated enabled); you need the Better BibTeX Extension for Zotero
- copy the full path to this BetterBibTeX JSON file into the plugin settings
- use the Slash-Command
/better Zotero
in a block in Logseq and start searching for literature
- set up the name of the slash-command, the path to the BetterBibTeX-JSON-file, the title-template and the page-template parentblock-ID in the plugin settings
Examples for further Title-Template: {{date}}-{{title}}, {% if authors[0].firstName and authors[0].lastName %}{{authors[0].firstName}} {{authors[0].lastName}}{% elif authors[0].name %}{{authors[0].name}}{% endif %}-{{title}} → look at Nunjucks Docs for full explanation
Example for as simple Page-Template: (ignore the unsoported-makro-erros from Logseq, only the string of the Template-Block is important not it's rendering)
The default Page-Template is the following:
{% if tags.length > 0 %}zotero-tags:: {{tags | join(", ", "tag")}}{% endif %}
{% if date %}date:: {{date}}{% endif %}
{% if ISSN %}issn:: {{ISSN}}{% endif %}
{% if issue %}issue:: {{issue}}{% endif %}
{% if DOI %}doi:: {{DOI}}{% endif %}
{% if pages %}pages:: {{pages}}{% endif %}
{% if volume %}volume:: {{volume}}{% endif %}
{% if itemType %}item-type:: {{itemType}}{% endif %}
{% if accessDate %}access-date:: {{accessDate}}{% endif %}
{% if title %}original-title:: {{title}}{% endif %}
{% if language %}language:: {{language}}{% endif %}
{% if url %}url:: {{url}}{% endif %}
{% if runningTime %}running-time:: {{runningTime}}{% endif %}
{% if shortTitle %}short-title:: {{shortTitle}}{% endif %}
{% if publicationTitle %}publication-title:: {{publicationTitle}}{% endif %}
{% if series %}series:: {{series}}{% endif %}
{% if seriesNumber %}series-number:: {{seriesNumber}}{% endif %}
{% if seriesTitle %}series-title:: {{seriesTitle}}{% endif %}
{% if blogTitle %}blog-title:: {{blogTitle}}{% endif %}
{% if creators %}authors:: {% for author in creators %}{% if author.firstName and author.lastName %}{{author.firstName}} {{author.lastName}}{% elif %}{{}}{% endif %} ({{author.creatorType}}){% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
{% if libraryCatalog %}library-catalog:: {{libraryCatalog}}{% endif %}
{% if select %}links:: [Local library]({{select}}){% endif %}
{% if abstractNote %}Abstract{% endif %}
{% if abstractNote %}{{abstractNote | safe}}{% endif %}
{% if attachments.length > 0 %}Attachments{% endif %}
{% if attachments.length > 0 %}
{% for att in attachments %}
[{{att.title}}]({{att.uri}}) {{'{{'}}zotero-imported-file {{'/') | last}}, "{{att.path.split('\\') | last}}"{{'}}'}}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Tip: copy this default Page-Template to a jinja2-codeblock in Logseq and simply modify it there according to your wishes
inspired by: the default Zotero-integration in Logseq, logseq-logtero-plugin
used tools: svelte, @logseq/libs, fuse.js, nunjucks