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Scott C Gray edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 1 revision


Imports command packages into jsqsh


\import [package]


The \import command imports an extension package into jsqsh. An extension package can introduce new commands and variables into jsqsh and is typically used to extend jsqsh functionality to, say, provide functions that are specific to a given database platform.



package may be either a fully qualified directory or just the name of an extension package. When just a name is provided, such as:

    1> \import foo

the package directory is expected to reside in $JSQSH_HOME/extensions or $HOME/.jsqsh/extensions

If a package name is not provided, then a list of the available extensions and their current state (loaded, disabled, classpath, etc.) is displayed.

Extensions directories

Extensions should typically live in $JSQSH_HOME/extensions or in $HOME/.jsqsh/extensions. The contents of this directory and details on how to create your own extensions are included in the file that is included with the jsqsh source code.

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