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Scott Gray edited this page Jan 7, 2016 · 32 revisions

This section contains reference information for all jsqsh:


Most jsqsh commands are preceded with a backslash (\), however a number of commands come with built-in aliases for convenience.

Command Alias(s) Description
[[\buf-append \buf_append]]
[[\buf-copy \buf_copy]]
\connect Establishes a connection to a database
\drivers Displays a list of JDBC drivers known by jsqsh
\go go Executes the contents of the current buffer
\echo Displays a line of text
\help Displays help information
\history Displays a history of SQL statements executed
\quit quit Exits jsqsh
\reset Clears the current SQL buffer of its contents
\session Displays set of sessions or switches to another session
\set Sets a variable or displays all variables
\unset Removes a jsqsh variable

Configuration Variables

General topics

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