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Scott Gray edited this page Jan 7, 2016 · 32 revisions

This section contains reference information for all jsqsh:


Most jsqsh commands are preceded with a backslash (\), however a number of commands come with built-in aliases for convenience.

Command Alias(s) Description
\alias Create a command alias
[[\buf-append \buf_append]]
[[\buf-copy \buf_copy]]
[[\buf-edit \buf_edit]] vi, emacs
[[\buf-load \buf_load]] :r
\connect Establishes a connection to a database
\databases \dbs Displays list of available databases (catalogs)
\describe Displays a description of a database object
\drivers Displays a list of JDBC drivers known by jsqsh
\end End the current session
\go go Executes the contents of the current buffer
\echo Displays a line of text
\eval :e Read and execute an input file full of SQL
\help Displays help information
\history Displays a history of SQL statements executed
\insert Generates INSERT statements from a query result
\macro Creates a velocimacro from the current buffer
\procs Displays stored procedures
\quit quit Exits jsqsh
\reset Clears the current SQL buffer of its contents
\session Displays set of sessions or switches to another session
\set Sets a variable or displays all variables
\tables Displays tables, views, synonyms, etc.
\unset Removes a jsqsh variable

Configuration Variables

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