makes it easy to derive typeclass instances for your data types. The benefits are:
- much faster compiles
- simpler implicit rules (less time fighting the compiler)
- easy to write derivation logic for your own typeclasses
There are two independent and complementary parts to this library:
- a
annotation to easily addimplicit
typeclass instances to companion objects. This macro is compatible with magnolia, shapeless generic derivation, and hand-rolled derivers (
does not depend on scalaz. scalaz-deriving
, a principled way for typeclass authors to define typeclass derivations, plus derivations for somescalaz-core
typeclasses (e.g.Equal
NOTE: Bug reports and feature requests can be filed in the "Pull Request" tab above. Issues filed in the issue tracker are considered documentary at best. This is maintained but unsupported free software; tickets will be resolved only if someone writes the code. (That someone can be you!)
General questions can be asked in 💖 See the CODE_OF_CONDUCT
for more.
Table of Contents
The @deriving
annotation simplifies the semi-auto pattern, whereby implicit evidence is explicitly added to data type companions, rather than being inferred at the point of use (known as full-auto). In short,
@scalaz.annotation.deriving(Encoder, Decoder)
case class Bar(s: String, b: Boolean)
expands to
object Bar {
implicit val _deriving_encoder: Encoder[Bar] = scalaz.Deriving.gen[Encoder, Bar]
implicit val _deriving_decoder: Decoder[Bar] = scalaz.Deriving.gen[Decoder, Bar]
The annotation is compatible with the @newtype
annotation by estatico
@deriving(Encoder, Decoder)
case class Bar(s: String)
expanding into
case class Bar(s: String)
object Bar {
implicit val _deriving_encoder: Encoder[Bar] = deriving
implicit val _deriving_decoder: Decoder[Bar] = deriving
The annotation also supports type parameters, using implicit def
rather than implicit val
, and can be used on sealed
classes, or object
You can provide your own project-specific wirings in a deriving.conf
file, which will also be available for users of your library if it is published.
The config file is plain text with one line per wiring, formatted: fqn.TypeClass=fqn.DerivedTypeClass.method
, comments start with #
If you wish to use @deriving
with a custom deriver defined in the same project as the deriver, add your resources
directory to the compiler classpath, e.g.
def resourcesOnCompilerCp(config: Configuration): Setting[_] =
managedClasspath in config := {
val res = (resourceDirectory in config).value
val old = (managedClasspath in config).value
Attributed.blank(res) +: old
and call with, e.g. resourcesOnCompilerCp(Compile)
A variant @xderiving
works only on classes with one parameter (including those that extend AnyVal
), making use of an .xmap
that the typeclass may provide directly or via an instance of scalaz.InvariantFunctor
, e.g.
@scalaz.annotation.xderiving(Encoder, Decoder)
class Foo(val s: String)
expands into
object Foo {
implicit val _deriving_encoder: Encoder[Foo] = implicitly[Encoder[String]].xmap(new Foo(_), _.s)
implicit val _deriving_decoder: Decoder[Foo] = implicitly[Decoder[String]].xmap(new Foo(_), _.s)
adds new typeclasses to scalaz
Typeclass | method | given | signature | returns |
Applicative |
apply2 |
F[A1], F[A2] |
(A1, A2) => Z |
F[Z] |
Alt (new) |
altly2 |
F[A1], F[A2] |
(A1 \/ A2) => Z |
F[Z] |
Divisible |
divide2 |
F[A1], F[A2] |
Z => (A1, A2) |
F[Z] |
Decidable (new) |
choose2 |
F[A1], F[A2] |
Z => (A1 \/ A2) |
F[Z] |
and scalaz.Deriving
, which supports arbitrarily large case class
and sealed trait
ADTs and works out of the box with the @deriving
As a typeclass author you only need to implement Deriving
for your typeclass.
If your typeclass can implement Decidable
or Alt
and satisfy their laws, you can:
- wrap your
(lowest cognitive overhead). - directly implement the generic arbitrary variants
(highest performance, more complex).
If your typeclass cannot satisfy the Decidable
or Alt
laws, write a fresh LabelledEncoder
or LabelledDecoder
, which will also give you access to field names.
As an extra convenience, if @deriving
is used on a sealed
class it is not necessary to add the annotation to the known subtypes!
The following derivations are provided out-of-the-box for scalaz-core typeclasses:
and opt-in extras for
Learn by example in scalaz-deriving/src/test/scala/examples
and a detailed tutorial in the chapter "Typeclass Derivation" of Functional Programming for Mortals with Scalaz.
and @xderiving
will work out-of-the box since 2018.1.18.
val derivingVersion = "<version>"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
// the @deriving and @xderiving plugin and macro
"org.scalaz" %% "deriving-macro" % derivingVersion,
compilerPlugin("org.scalaz" %% "deriving-plugin" % derivingVersion cross CrossVersion.full),
// the scalaz-deriving Altz / Decidablez / Deriving API and macros
"org.scalaz" %% "scalaz-deriving" % derivingVersion,
// instances for Show and Arbitrary
"org.scalaz" %% "scalaz-deriving-magnolia" % derivingVersion,
"org.scalaz" %% "scalaz-deriving-scalacheck" % derivingVersion,
// shapeless alternatives to Deriving. See below for additional actions.
"org.scalaz" %% "scalaz-deriving-shapeless" % derivingVersion
where <version>
is the latest on maven central.
If you are supplying a deriving.conf
file, make sure the following is added to your project settings, so that the deriving.conf
is present
on the compilation classpath:
(Compile / compile) := ((Compile / compile).dependsOn(Compile / copyResources)).value,
To use the opt-in shapeless alternatives, which can sometimes improve runtime performance (and sometimes slow it down), either manually call the DerivingEqual.gen
etc from your companions, or create a deriving.conf
containing the wirings following the instructions above. Recall that shapeless derivations require annotations on every element of an ADT, not just the top element.
does not and will not support typeclasses with contravariant or covariant type parameters (e.g. [-A]
and [+A]
). Fundamentally, Scala's variance is broken and should be avoided. Enforce this in your builds with the DisableSyntax
When adding the @deriving
annotation to a sealed
class: 1) the derivation will be repeated if there are multiple sealed
layers (which might slow down compiles), 2) the implicit scope of the subtype's companion is not searched, 3) only works for =scalaz-deriving= and magnolia, it doesn't work for shapeless derivers.
The macro that generates the iotaz representation does not support exotic language features or renaming type parameters in GADTs. This will be addressed as iota becomes more mature.
Sometimes the scaladoc compiler can get confused and publishing will fail. We recommend that you simply disable scaladocs: nobody reads them and the source is always a better reference anyway:
sources in (Compile, doc) := Nil