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backend: Emit calls using the correct receiver
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This is a port of

  When emitting a virtual call, the receiver in the bytecode cannot just
  be the method's owner (the class in which it is declared), because that
  class may not be accessible at the callsite. Instead we use the type
  of the receiver. This was basically done to fix
  - aladdin bug 455 (9954eaf)
  - SI-1430 (0bea2ab) - basically the same bug, slightly different
  - SI-4283 (8707c9e) - the same for field reads

In Dotty, we rarely encountered this issue because under separate
compilation, we see the bridge symbols generated by javac and use their
owner as the receiver, but under joint compilation of .java and .scala
sources this doesn't happen, in particular this commit fixes #6546. It
also means that we should now be able to stop creating symbols in the
ClassfileParser for Java bridges, this would make joint and separate
compilation more similar and thus should reduce the number of bugs which
appear in one but not the other as discussed in

After this commit, some more changes are necessary to get the updated
backend to work correctly with dotty, these are implemented in the
later commits of this PR.

Co-Authored-By: Lukas Rytz <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
smarter and lrytz committed Mar 12, 2020
1 parent bf283ee commit fa42b81
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Showing 11 changed files with 422 additions and 159 deletions.
296 changes: 145 additions & 151 deletions compiler/src/dotty/tools/backend/jvm/BCodeBodyBuilder.scala

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

17 changes: 12 additions & 5 deletions compiler/src/dotty/tools/backend/jvm/BCodeIdiomatic.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import
import scala.annotation.switch
import scala.collection.mutable
import Primitives.{NE, EQ, TestOp, ArithmeticOp}

* A high-level facade to the ASM API for bytecode generation.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ trait BCodeIdiomatic {
abstract class JCodeMethodN {

def jmethod: asm.MethodVisitor
def jmethod: asm.tree.MethodNode

import asm.Opcodes;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,21 +395,27 @@ trait BCodeIdiomatic {

// can-multi-thread
final def invokespecial(owner: String, name: String, desc: String, itf: Boolean): Unit = {
jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, owner, name, desc, itf)
emitInvoke(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, owner, name, desc, itf)
// can-multi-thread
final def invokestatic(owner: String, name: String, desc: String, itf: Boolean): Unit = {
jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, owner, name, desc, itf)
emitInvoke(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, owner, name, desc, itf)
// can-multi-thread
final def invokeinterface(owner: String, name: String, desc: String): Unit = {
jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE, owner, name, desc, true)
emitInvoke(Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE, owner, name, desc, itf = true)
// can-multi-thread
final def invokevirtual(owner: String, name: String, desc: String): Unit = {
jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, owner, name, desc, false)
emitInvoke(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, owner, name, desc, itf = false)

def emitInvoke(opcode: Int, owner: String, name: String, desc: String, itf: Boolean): Unit = {
val node = new MethodInsnNode(opcode, owner, name, desc, itf)

// can-multi-thread
final def goTo(label: asm.Label): Unit = { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, label) }
// can-multi-thread
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions compiler/src/dotty/tools/backend/jvm/BackendInterface.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -442,6 +442,8 @@ abstract class BackendInterface extends BackendInterfaceDefinitions {

abstract class SymbolHelper {
def exists: Boolean

// names
def showFullName: String
def javaSimpleName: String
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -534,6 +536,7 @@ abstract class BackendInterface extends BackendInterfaceDefinitions {
def enclosingClassSym: Symbol
def originalLexicallyEnclosingClass: Symbol
def nextOverriddenSymbol: Symbol
def allOverriddenSymbols: List[Symbol]

// members
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -603,6 +606,7 @@ abstract class BackendInterface extends BackendInterfaceDefinitions {
def sortedMembersBasedOnFlags(required: Flags, excluded: Flags): List[Symbol]
def members: List[Symbol]
def decl(name: Name): Symbol
def decls: List[Symbol]
def underlying: Type
def parents: List[Type]
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -627,6 +627,8 @@ class DottyBackendInterface(outputDirectory: AbstractFile, val superCallsMap: Ma

implicit def symHelper(sym: Symbol): SymbolHelper = new SymbolHelper {
def exists: Boolean = sym.exists

// names
def showFullName: String = sym.showFullName
def javaSimpleName: String = toDenot(sym).name.mangledString // addModuleSuffix(simpleName.dropLocal)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -680,7 +682,7 @@ class DottyBackendInterface(outputDirectory: AbstractFile, val superCallsMap: Ma
( || toDenot(sym).hasAnnotation(ctx.definitions.ScalaStaticAnnot))
// guard against no sumbol cause this code is executed to select which call type(static\dynamic) to use to call array.clone

def isBottomClass: Boolean = (sym ne defn.NullClass) && (sym ne defn.NothingClass)
def isBottomClass: Boolean = (sym eq defn.NullClass) || (sym eq defn.NothingClass)
def isBridge: Boolean =
def isArtifact: Boolean =
def hasEnumFlag: Boolean = sym.isAllOf(Flags.JavaEnumTrait)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -759,12 +761,14 @@ class DottyBackendInterface(outputDirectory: AbstractFile, val superCallsMap: Ma
} else NoSymbol
def nextOverriddenSymbol: Symbol = toDenot(sym).nextOverriddenSymbol
def allOverriddenSymbols: List[Symbol] = toDenot(sym).allOverriddenSymbols.toList

// members
def primaryConstructor: Symbol = toDenot(sym).primaryConstructor

/** For currently compiled classes: All locally defined classes including local classes.
* The empty list for classes that are not currently compiled.
def nestedClasses: List[Symbol] = definedClasses(ctx.flattenPhase)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -876,6 +880,8 @@ class DottyBackendInterface(outputDirectory: AbstractFile, val superCallsMap: Ma

def memberInfo(s: Symbol): Type = tp.memberInfo(s)

def decl(name: Name): Symbol = tp.decl(name).symbol

def decls: List[Symbol] = tp.decls.toList

def members: List[Symbol] =
Expand Down
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions compiler/test/dotty/tools/backend/jvm/DottyBytecodeTest.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import{File => JFile, InputStream}
trait DottyBytecodeTest {
import AsmNode._
import ASMConverters._
import DottyBytecodeTest._

protected object Opcode {
val newarray = 188
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,6 +82,24 @@ trait DottyBytecodeTest {
classNode.fields.asScala.find( == name) getOrElse
sys.error(s"Didn't find field '$name' in class '${}'")

def getInstructions(c: ClassNode, name: String): List[Instruction] =
instructionsFromMethod(getMethod(c, name))

def assertSameCode(method: MethodNode, expected: List[Instruction]): Unit =
assertSameCode(instructionsFromMethod(method).dropNonOp, expected)
def assertSameCode(actual: List[Instruction], expected: List[Instruction]): Unit = {
assert(actual === expected, s"\nExpected: $expected\nActual : $actual")

def assertInvoke(m: MethodNode, receiver: String, method: String): Unit =
assertInvoke(instructionsFromMethod(m), receiver, method)
def assertInvoke(l: List[Instruction], receiver: String, method: String): Unit = {
assert(l.exists {
case Invoke(_, `receiver`, `method`, _, _) => true
case _ => false
}, l.stringLines)

def diffInstructions(isa: List[Instruction], isb: List[Instruction]): String = {
val len = Math.max(isa.length, isb.length)
val sb = new StringBuilder
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,3 +213,9 @@ trait DottyBytecodeTest {
object DottyBytecodeTest {
implicit class listStringLines[T](val l: List[T]) extends AnyVal {
def stringLines = l.mkString("\n")

132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions compiler/test/dotty/tools/backend/jvm/DottyBytecodeTests.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import asm._
import asm.tree._

import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._

class TestBCode extends DottyBytecodeTest {
import ASMConverters._
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -783,4 +785,134 @@ class TestBCode extends DottyBytecodeTest {
assertParamName(b2, "evidence$2")

def invocationReceivers(): Unit = {
import Opcodes._

checkBCode(List(invocationReceiversTestCode.definitions("Object"))) { dir =>
val c1 = loadClassNode(dir.lookupName("C1.class", directory = false).input)
val c2 = loadClassNode(dir.lookupName("C2.class", directory = false).input)
// Scala 2 uses "invokestatic T.clone$" here, see
assertSameCode(getMethod(c1, "clone"), List(VarOp(ALOAD, 0), Invoke(INVOKESPECIAL, "T", "clone", "()Ljava/lang/Object;", true), Op(ARETURN)))
assertInvoke(getMethod(c1, "f1"), "T", "clone")
assertInvoke(getMethod(c1, "f2"), "T", "clone")
assertInvoke(getMethod(c1, "f3"), "C1", "clone")
assertInvoke(getMethod(c2, "f1"), "T", "clone")
assertInvoke(getMethod(c2, "f2"), "T", "clone")
assertInvoke(getMethod(c2, "f3"), "C1", "clone")
checkBCode(List(invocationReceiversTestCode.definitions("String"))) { dir =>
val c1b = loadClassNode(dir.lookupName("C1.class", directory = false).input)
val c2b = loadClassNode(dir.lookupName("C2.class", directory = false).input)
val tb = loadClassNode(dir.lookupName("T.class", directory = false).input)
val ub = loadClassNode(dir.lookupName("U.class", directory = false).input)

def ms(c: ClassNode, n: String) = c.methods.asScala.toList.filter( == n)
assert(ms(tb, "clone").length == 1)
assert(ms(ub, "clone").isEmpty)
val List(c1Clone) = ms(c1b, "clone").filter(_.desc == "()Ljava/lang/Object;")
assert((c1Clone.access | Opcodes.ACC_BRIDGE) != 0)
assertSameCode(c1Clone, List(VarOp(ALOAD, 0), Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "C1", "clone", "()Ljava/lang/String;", false), Op(ARETURN)))

def iv(m: MethodNode) = getInstructions(c1b, "f1").collect({case i: Invoke => i})
assertSameCode(iv(getMethod(c1b, "f1")), List(Invoke(INVOKEINTERFACE, "T", "clone", "()Ljava/lang/String;", true)))
assertSameCode(iv(getMethod(c1b, "f2")), List(Invoke(INVOKEINTERFACE, "T", "clone", "()Ljava/lang/String;", true)))
// invokeinterface T.clone in C1 is OK here because it is not an override of Object.clone (different signature)
assertSameCode(iv(getMethod(c1b, "f3")), List(Invoke(INVOKEINTERFACE, "T", "clone", "()Ljava/lang/String;", true)))

def invocationReceiversProtected(): Unit = {
// / 9954eaf
// also / 0bea2ab (same but with interfaces)
val aC =
"""package a;
|/*package private*/ abstract class A {
| public int f() { return 1; }
| public int t;
val bC =
"""package a;
|public class B extends A { }
val iC =
"""package a;
|/*package private*/ interface I { int f(); }
val jC =
"""package a;
|public interface J extends I { }
val cC =
"""package b
|class C {
| def f1(b: a.B) = b.f
| def f2(b: a.B) = { b.t = b.t + 1 }
| def f3(j: a.J) = j.f

checkBCode(scalaSources = List(cC), javaSources = List(aC, bC, iC, jC)) { dir =>
val clsIn = dir.subdirectoryNamed("b").lookupName("C.class", directory = false).input
val c = loadClassNode(clsIn)

assertInvoke(getMethod(c, "f1"), "a/B", "f") // receiver needs to be B (A is not accessible in class C, package b)
assertInvoke(getMethod(c, "f3"), "a/J", "f") // receiver needs to be J

def specialInvocationReceivers(): Unit = {
val code =
"""class C {
| def f1(a: Array[String]) = a.clone()
| def f2(a: Array[Int]) = a.hashCode()
| def f3(n: Nothing) = n.hashCode()
| def f4(n: Null) = n.toString()
checkBCode(List(code)) { dir =>
val c = loadClassNode(dir.lookupName("C.class", directory = false).input)

assertInvoke(getMethod(c, "f1"), "[Ljava/lang/String;", "clone") // array descriptor as receiver
assertInvoke(getMethod(c, "f2"), "java/lang/Object", "hashCode") // object receiver
assertInvoke(getMethod(c, "f3"), "java/lang/Object", "hashCode")
assertInvoke(getMethod(c, "f4"), "java/lang/Object", "toString")

object invocationReceiversTestCode {
// if cloneType is more specific than Object (e.g., String), a bridge method is generated.
def definitions(cloneType: String): String =
s"""trait T { override def clone(): $cloneType = "hi" }
|trait U extends T
|class C1 extends U with Cloneable {
| // The comments below are true when `cloneType` is Object.
| // C1 gets a forwarder for clone that invokes T.clone. this is needed because JVM method
| // resolution always prefers class members, so it would resolve to Object.clone, even if
| // C1 is a subtype of the interface T which has an overriding default method for clone.
| // invokeinterface T.clone
| def f1 = (this: T).clone()
| // cannot invokeinterface U.clone (NoSuchMethodError). Object.clone would work here, but
| // not in the example in C2 (illegal access to protected). T.clone works in all cases and
| // resolves correctly.
| def f2 = (this: U).clone()
| // invokevirtual C1.clone()
| def f3 = (this: C1).clone()
|class C2 {
| def f1(t: T) = t.clone() // invokeinterface T.clone
| def f2(t: U) = t.clone() // invokeinterface T.clone -- Object.clone would be illegal (protected, explained in C1)
| def f3(t: C1) = t.clone() // invokevirtual C1.clone -- Object.clone would be illegal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ class InlineBytecodeTests extends DottyBytecodeTest {
VarOp(ALOAD, 0),
Invoke(INVOKEVIRTUAL, "Test", "given_Int", "()I", false),
Invoke(INVOKESTATIC, "scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime", "boxToInteger", "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;", false),
Invoke(INVOKEINTERFACE, "scala/Function1", "apply", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;", true),
Invoke(INVOKEINTERFACE, "dotty/runtime/function/JFunction1$mcZI$sp", "apply", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;", true),
Invoke(INVOKESTATIC, "scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime", "unboxToBoolean", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z", false),
Expand All @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ class InlineBytecodeTests extends DottyBytecodeTest {

assert(instructions.tail == expected,
"`fg was not properly inlined in `test`\n" + diffInstructions(instructions, expected))
"`fg was not properly inlined in `test`\n" + diffInstructions(instructions.tail, expected))

Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions tests/pos-java-interop/i6546/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package pkg;
class P {
public void foo() {

public class A extends P {
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions tests/pos-java-interop/i6546/B.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
object B {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val a = new pkg.A
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions tests/run/invocationReceivers1.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
trait T { override def clone(): Object = "hi" }
trait U extends T
class C1 extends U with Cloneable {
// C1 gets a forwarder for clone that invokes T.clone. this is needed because JVM method
// resolution always prefers class members, so it would resolve to Object.clone, even if
// C1 is a subtype of the interface T which has an overriding default method for clone.

// invokeinterface T.clone
def f1 = (this: T).clone()

// cannot invokeinterface U.clone (NoSuchMethodError). Object.clone would work here, but
// not in the example in C2 (illegal access to protected). T.clone works in all cases and
// resolves correctly.
def f2 = (this: U).clone()

// invokevirtual C1.clone()
def f3 = (this: C1).clone()

class C2 {
def f1(t: T) = t.clone() // invokeinterface T.clone
def f2(t: U) = t.clone() // invokeinterface T.clone -- Object.clone would be illegal (protected, explained in C1)
def f3(t: C1) = t.clone() // invokevirtual C1.clone -- Object.clone would be illegal

object Test {
def main(arg: Array[String]): Unit = {
val r = new StringBuffer()
val c1 = new C1
val t = new T { }
val u = new U { }
val c2 = new C2


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