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Add task generating Scala 3 language reference
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pikinier20 committed Feb 16, 2022
1 parent b923b6b commit f69c2d1
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Showing 5 changed files with 221 additions and 11 deletions.
41 changes: 34 additions & 7 deletions project/Build.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1256,6 +1256,8 @@ object Build {
val generateScalaDocumentation = inputKey[Unit]("Generate documentation for dotty lib")
val generateTestcasesDocumentation = taskKey[Unit]("Generate documentation for testcases, usefull for debugging tests")

val generateReferenceDocumentation = taskKey[Unit]("Generate language reference documentation for Scala 3")

lazy val `scaladoc-testcases` ="scaladoc-testcases")).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1378,6 +1380,31 @@ object Build {

generateReferenceDocumentation := Def.taskDyn {
val temp = IO.createTemporaryDirectory
IO.copyDirectory(file("docs"), temp / "docs")
IO.delete(temp / "docs" / "_blog")

file("project") / "resources" / "referenceReplacements",
temp / "docs",
overwrite = true

val languageReferenceConfig = Def.task {
.add(ProjectName("Scala 3 Reference"))
dottySrcLink(referenceVersion, temp.getAbsolutePath + "=")


Test / buildInfoKeys := Seq[BuildInfoKey](
(Test / Build.testcasesOutputDir),
(Test / Build.testcasesSourceRoot),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1763,6 +1790,13 @@ object ScaladocConfigs {

def dottyExternalMapping = ".*scala/.*::scaladoc3::"
def javaExternalMapping = ".*java/.*::javadoc::"
def scalaSrcLink(v: String, s: String) = s"${s}github://scala/scala/v$v#src/library"
def dottySrcLink(v: String, sourcesPrefix: String = "", outputPrefix: String = "") =
sys.env.get("GITHUB_SHA") match {
case Some(sha) =>
case None => s"${sourcesPrefix}github://lampepfl/dotty/$v$outputPrefix"

lazy val DefaultGenerationConfig = Def.task {
def distLocation = (dist / pack).value
Expand All @@ -1771,13 +1805,6 @@ object ScaladocConfigs {
def scalaLib = findArtifactPath(externalCompilerClasspathTask.value, "scala-library")
def dottyLib = (`scala3-library` / Compile / classDirectory).value
def srcManaged(v: String, s: String) = s"out/bootstrap/stdlib-bootstrapped/scala-$v/src_managed/main/$s-library-src"
def scalaSrcLink(v: String, s: String) = s"${s}github://scala/scala/v$v#src/library"
def dottySrcLink(v: String, sourcesPrefix: String = "", outputPrefix: String = "") =
sys.env.get("GITHUB_SHA") match {
case Some(sha) =>
case None => s"${sourcesPrefix}github://lampepfl/dotty/$v$outputPrefix"

def defaultSourceLinks: SourceLinks = SourceLinks(
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
layout: main
<div class="container">
<div id="site-header">
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<nav class="navigation" role="menu">
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{{ content }}
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{% endif %}
139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions project/resources/referenceReplacements/sidebar.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
index: reference/
- page: reference/
- title: New Types
index: reference/new-types/
- page: reference/new-types/
- page: reference/new-types/
- page: reference/new-types/
- page: reference/new-types/
- page: reference/new-types/
- page: reference/new-types/
- page: reference/new-types/
- page: reference/new-types/
- page: reference/new-types/
- page: reference/new-types/
- title: Enums
index: reference/enums/
- page: reference/enums/
- page: reference/enums/
- page: reference/enums/
- title: Contextual Abstractions
index: reference/contextual/
directory: contextual
- page: reference/contextual/
- page: reference/contextual/
- page: reference/contextual/
- page: reference/contextual/
- page: reference/contextual/
- page: reference/contextual/
- page: reference/contextual/
- page: reference/contextual/
- page: reference/contextual/
- page: reference/contextual/
- page: reference/contextual/
- page: reference/contextual/
- page: reference/contextual/
- page: reference/contextual/
- page: reference/contextual/
- title: Metaprogramming
index: reference/metaprogramming/
- page: reference/metaprogramming/
- page: reference/metaprogramming/
- page: reference/metaprogramming/
- page: reference/metaprogramming/
- page: reference/metaprogramming/
- page: reference/metaprogramming/
- page: reference/metaprogramming/
- title: Other New Features
index: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- page: reference/other-new-features/
- title: Other Changed Features
directory: changed-features
index: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- page: reference/changed-features/
- title: Dropped Features
index: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- page: reference/dropped-features/
- title: Experimental Features
directory: experimental
- page: reference/experimental/
- page: reference/experimental/
- page: reference/experimental/
- page: reference/experimental/
- page: reference/experimental/
- page: reference/experimental/
- page: reference/experimental/
- page: reference/experimental/
- page: reference/experimental/
- page: reference/
- title: Language Versions
index: reference/language-versions/
- page: reference/language-versions/
- page: reference/language-versions/
- page: reference/
- page: reference/
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions scaladoc/src/dotty/tools/scaladoc/PathBased.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths}

case class PathBased[T](entries: List[PathBased.Entry[T]], projectRoot: Path):
def get(path: Path): Option[PathBased.Result[T]] =
if path.isAbsolute then
if path.startsWith(projectRoot) then get(projectRoot.relativize(path))
else None
if path.isAbsolute && path.startsWith(projectRoot) then get(projectRoot.relativize(path))
else entries.filter(_.path.forall(p => path.startsWith(p))).maxByOption( =>
PathBased.Result(entry.path.fold(path)(_.relativize(path)), entry.elem)
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion scaladoc/src/dotty/tools/scaladoc/renderers/Renderer.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,7 +83,9 @@ abstract class Renderer(rootPackage: Member, val members: Map[DRI, Member], prot
then rootPckPage.withTitle(
else {
val newRootPage = templateToPage(newRoot, siteContext)
Seq(rootPckPage.withTitle("API")).filter(_ => rootPackage.members.nonEmpty)

val redirectPages: Seq[Page] = staticSite.fold(Seq.empty)(siteContext => {
Expand Down

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