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som-snytt committed Aug 27, 2021
1 parent bf7009e commit 92b3760
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Showing 14 changed files with 785 additions and 29 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/Scanners.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ object Scanners {
val alt = if oct == LF then raw"\n" else f"\u$oct%04x"
val alt = if oct == LF then raw"\n" else f"${"\\"}u$oct%04x"
error(s"octal escape literals are unsupported: use $alt instead", start)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/printing/PlainPrinter.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ class PlainPrinter(_ctx: Context) extends Printer {
case '"' => "\\\""
case '\'' => "\\\'"
case '\\' => "\\\\"
case _ => if (ch.isControl) f"\u${ch.toInt}%04x" else String.valueOf(ch)
case _ => if (ch.isControl) f"${"\\"}u${ch.toInt}%04x" else String.valueOf(ch)

def toText(const: Constant): Text = const.tag match {
Expand Down
247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/localopt/FormatChecker.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
package transform.localopt

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.mutable.{ListBuffer, Stack}
import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}
import scala.util.chaining.*
import scala.util.matching.Regex.Match

import java.util.{Calendar, Date, Formattable}

import StringContextChecker.InterpolationReporter

/** Formatter string checker. */
abstract class FormatChecker(using reporter: InterpolationReporter):

// Pick the first runtime type which the i'th arg can satisfy.
// If conversion is required, implementation must emit it.
def argType(argi: Int, types: ClassTag[?]*): ClassTag[?]

// count of args, for checking indexes
def argc: Int

val allFlags = "-#+ 0,(<"
val formatPattern = """%(?:(\d+)\$)?([-#+ 0,(<]+)?(\d+)?(\.\d+)?([tT]?[%a-zA-Z])?""".r

// ordinal is the regex group index in the format pattern
enum SpecGroup:
case Spec, Index, Flags, Width, Precision, CC
import SpecGroup.*

/** For N part strings and N-1 args to interpolate, normalize parts and check arg types.
* Returns parts, possibly updated with explicit leading "%s",
* and conversions for each arg.
* Implementation must emit conversions required by invocations of `argType`.
def checked(parts0: List[String]): (List[String], List[Conversion]) =
val amended = ListBuffer.empty[String]
val convert = ListBuffer.empty[Conversion]

def loop(parts: List[String], n: Int): Unit =
parts match
case part0 :: more =>
def badPart(t: Throwable): String = "".tap(_ => reporter.partError(t.getMessage, index = n, offset = 0))
val part = try StringContext.processEscapes(part0) catch badPart
val matches = formatPattern.findAllMatchIn(part)

def insertStringConversion(): Unit =
amended += "%s" + part
convert += Conversion(formatPattern.findAllMatchIn("%s").next(), n) // improve
argType(n-1, classTag[Any])
def errorLeading(op: Conversion) = op.errorAt(Spec)(s"conversions must follow a splice; ${Conversion.literalHelp}")
def accept(op: Conversion): Unit =
if !op.isLeading then errorLeading(op)
op.accepts(argType(n-1, op.acceptableVariants*))
amended += part
convert += op

// after the first part, a leading specifier is required for the interpolated arg; %s is supplied if needed
if n == 0 then amended += part
else if !matches.hasNext then insertStringConversion()
val cv = Conversion(, n)
if cv.isLiteral then insertStringConversion()
else if cv.isIndexed then
if cv.index.getOrElse(-1) == n then accept(cv)
// either some other arg num, or '<'
//c.warning(op.groupPos(Index), "Index is not this arg")
else if !cv.isError then accept(cv)

// any remaining conversions in this part must be either literals or indexed
while matches.hasNext do
val cv = Conversion(, n)
if n == 0 && cv.hasFlag('<') then cv.badFlag('<', "No last arg")
else if !cv.isLiteral && !cv.isIndexed then errorLeading(cv)

loop(more, n + 1)
case Nil => ()
end loop

loop(parts0, n = 0)
(amended.toList, convert.toList)
end checked

extension (descriptor: Match)
def at(g: SpecGroup): Int = descriptor.start(g.ordinal)
def offset(g: SpecGroup, i: Int = 0): Int = at(g) + i
def group(g: SpecGroup): Option[String] = Option(
def stringOf(g: SpecGroup): String = group(g).getOrElse("")
def intOf(g: SpecGroup): Option[Int] = group(g).map(_.toInt)

extension (inline value: Boolean)
inline def or(inline body: => Unit): Boolean = value || { body ; false }
inline def orElse(inline body: => Unit): Boolean = value || { body ; true }
inline def but(inline body: => Unit): Boolean = value && { body ; false }
inline def and(inline body: => Unit): Boolean = value && { body ; true }

/** A conversion specifier matched in the argi'th string part,
* with `argc` arguments to interpolate.
sealed abstract class Conversion:
// the match for this descriptor
def descriptor: Match
// the part number for reporting errors
def argi: Int

// the descriptor fields
val index: Option[Int] = descriptor.intOf(Index)
val flags: String = descriptor.stringOf(Flags)
val width: Option[Int] = descriptor.intOf(Width)
val precision: Option[Int] =
val op: String = descriptor.stringOf(CC)

// the conversion char is the head of the op string (but see DateTimeXn)
val cc: Char = if isError then '?' else op(0)

def isError: Boolean = false
def isIndexed: Boolean = index.nonEmpty || hasFlag('<')
def isLiteral: Boolean = false

// descriptor is at index 0 of the part string
def isLeading: Boolean = == 0

// true if passes. Default checks flags and index
def verify: Boolean = goodFlags && goodIndex

// is the specifier OK with the given arg
def accepts(arg: ClassTag[?]): Boolean = true

// what arg type if any does the conversion accept
def acceptableVariants: List[ClassTag[?]]

// what flags does the conversion accept? defaults to all
protected def okFlags: String = allFlags

def hasFlag(f: Char) = flags.contains(f)
def hasAnyFlag(fs: String) = fs.exists(hasFlag)

def badFlag(f: Char, msg: String) =
val i = flags.indexOf(f) match { case -1 => 0 case j => j }
errorAt(Flags, i)(msg)

def errorAt(g: SpecGroup, i: Int = 0)(msg: String) = reporter.partError(msg, argi, descriptor.offset(g, i))
def warningAt(g: SpecGroup, i: Int = 0)(msg: String) = reporter.partWarning(msg, argi, descriptor.offset(g, i))

def noFlags = flags.isEmpty or errorAt(Flags)("flags not allowed")
def noWidth = width.isEmpty or errorAt(Width)("width not allowed")
def noPrecision = precision.isEmpty or errorAt(Precision)("precision not allowed")
def only_-(msg: String) =
val badFlags = flags.filterNot { case '-' | '<' => true case _ => false }
badFlags.isEmpty or badFlag(badFlags(0), s"Only '-' allowed for $msg")
def goodFlags =
val badFlags = flags.filterNot(okFlags.contains)
for f <- badFlags do badFlag(f, s"Illegal flag '$f'")
def goodIndex =
if index.nonEmpty && hasFlag('<') then warningAt(Index)("Argument index ignored if '<' flag is present")
val okRange = => i > 0 && i <= argc).getOrElse(true)
okRange || hasFlag('<') or errorAt(Index)("Argument index out of range")
object Conversion:
def apply(m: Match, i: Int): Conversion =
def badCC(msg: String) = ErrorXn(m, i).tap(error => error.errorAt(if (error.op.isEmpty) Spec else CC)(msg))
def cv(cc: Char) = cc match
case 's' | 'S' => StringXn(m, i)
case 'h' | 'H' => HashXn(m, i)
case 'b' | 'B' => BooleanXn(m, i)
case 'c' | 'C' => CharacterXn(m, i)
case 'd' | 'o' |
'x' | 'X' => IntegralXn(m, i)
case 'e' | 'E' |
'f' |
'g' | 'G' |
'a' | 'A' => FloatingPointXn(m, i)
case 't' | 'T' => DateTimeXn(m, i)
case '%' | 'n' => LiteralXn(m, i)
case _ => badCC(s"illegal conversion character '$cc'")
end cv match
case Some(cc) => cv(cc(0)).tap(_.verify)
case None => badCC(s"Missing conversion operator in '${m.matched}'; $literalHelp")
end apply
val literalHelp = "use %% for literal %, %n for newline"
end Conversion
abstract class GeneralXn extends Conversion
// s | S
class StringXn(val descriptor: Match, val argi: Int) extends GeneralXn:
val acceptableVariants =
if hasFlag('#') then classTag[Formattable] :: Nil
else classTag[Any] :: Nil
override protected def okFlags = "-#<"
// b | B
class BooleanXn(val descriptor: Match, val argi: Int) extends GeneralXn:
val FakeNullTag: ClassTag[?] = null
val acceptableVariants = classTag[Boolean] :: FakeNullTag :: Nil
override def accepts(arg: ClassTag[?]): Boolean =
arg == classTag[Boolean] orElse warningAt(CC)("Boolean format is null test for non-Boolean")
override protected def okFlags = "-<"
// h | H
class HashXn(val descriptor: Match, val argi: Int) extends GeneralXn:
val acceptableVariants = classTag[Any] :: Nil
override protected def okFlags = "-<"
// %% | %n
class LiteralXn(val descriptor: Match, val argi: Int) extends Conversion:
override def isLiteral = true
override def verify = op match
case "%" => super.verify && noPrecision and width.foreach(_ => warningAt(Width)("width ignored on literal"))
case "n" => noFlags && noWidth && noPrecision
override protected val okFlags = "-"
override def acceptableVariants = Nil
class CharacterXn(val descriptor: Match, val argi: Int) extends Conversion:
override def verify = super.verify && noPrecision && only_-("c conversion")
val acceptableVariants = classTag[Char] :: classTag[Byte] :: classTag[Short] :: classTag[Int] :: Nil
class IntegralXn(val descriptor: Match, val argi: Int) extends Conversion:
override def verify =
def d_# = cc == 'd' && hasFlag('#') and badFlag('#', "# not allowed for d conversion")
def x_comma = cc != 'd' && hasFlag(',') and badFlag(',', "',' only allowed for d conversion of integral types")
super.verify && noPrecision && !d_# && !x_comma
val acceptableVariants = classTag[Int] :: classTag[Long] :: classTag[Byte] :: classTag[Short] :: classTag[BigInt] :: Nil
override def accepts(arg: ClassTag[?]): Boolean =
arg == classTag[BigInt] || {
cc match
case 'o' | 'x' | 'X' if hasAnyFlag("+ (") => "+ (".filter(hasFlag).foreach(bad => badFlag(bad, s"only use '$bad' for BigInt conversions to o, x, X")) ; false
case _ => true
class FloatingPointXn(val descriptor: Match, val argi: Int) extends Conversion:
override def verify = super.verify && (cc match {
case 'a' | 'A' =>
val badFlags = ",(".filter(hasFlag)
noPrecision && badFlags.isEmpty or badFlags.foreach(badf => badFlag(badf, s"'$badf' not allowed for a, A"))
case _ => true
val acceptableVariants = classTag[Double] :: classTag[Float] :: classTag[BigDecimal] :: Nil
class DateTimeXn(val descriptor: Match, val argi: Int) extends Conversion:
override val cc: Char = if op.length > 1 then op(1) else '?'
def hasCC = op.length == 2 or errorAt(CC)("Date/time conversion must have two characters")
def goodCC = "HIklMSLNpzZsQBbhAaCYyjmdeRTrDFc".contains(cc) or errorAt(CC, 1)(s"'$cc' doesn't seem to be a date or time conversion")
override def verify = super.verify && hasCC && goodCC && noPrecision && only_-("date/time conversions")
val acceptableVariants = classTag[Long] :: classTag[Calendar] :: classTag[Date] :: Nil
class ErrorXn(val descriptor: Match, val argi: Int) extends Conversion:
override def isError = true
override def verify = false
override def acceptableVariants = Nil

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