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Enable existential capabilities
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Enabled from 3.5.

There are still a number of open questions

 - Clarify type inference with existentials propagating into capture sets.
   Right now, no pos or run test exercises this.
 - Also map arguments of function to existentials (at least double flip ones).
 - Adapt reach capabilities and drop previous restrictions.
  • Loading branch information
odersky committed Jun 10, 2024
1 parent 8d60973 commit 19e6529
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Showing 10 changed files with 161 additions and 153 deletions.
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/cc/CaptureOps.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import StdNames.nme
import config.Feature
import collection.mutable
import CCState.*
import reporting.Message

private val Captures: Key[CaptureSet] = Key()

Expand All @@ -26,7 +27,8 @@ object ccConfig:
inline val allowUnsoundMaps = false

val useExistentials = false
def useExistentials(using Context) =

/** If true, use `sealed` as encapsulation mechanism instead of the
* previous global retriction that `cap` can't be boxed or unboxed.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,6 +71,11 @@ class CCState:
var levelError: Option[CaptureSet.CompareResult.LevelError] = None

/** Warnings relating to upper approximations of capture sets with
* existentially bound variables.
val approxWarnings: mutable.ListBuffer[Message] = mutable.ListBuffer()

private var curLevel: Level = outermostLevel
private val symLevel: mutable.Map[Symbol, Int] = mutable.Map()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -356,6 +363,7 @@ extension (tp: Type)
ok = false
case _ =>
end CheckContraCaps

object narrowCaps extends TypeMap:
/** Has the variance been flipped at this point? */
Expand All @@ -368,12 +376,19 @@ extension (tp: Type)
t.dealias match
case t1 @ CapturingType(p, cs) if cs.isUniversal && !isFlipped =>
t1.derivedCapturingType(apply(p), ref.reach.singletonCaptureSet)
case t @ FunctionOrMethod(args, res @ Existential(_, _))
if args.forall(_.isAlwaysPure) =>
// Also map existentials in results to reach capabilities if all
// preceding arguments are known to be always pure
apply(t.derivedFunctionOrMethod(args, Existential.toCap(res)))
case _ => t match
case t @ CapturingType(p, cs) =>
t.derivedCapturingType(apply(p), cs) // don't map capture set variables
case t =>
finally isFlipped = saved
end narrowCaps

ref match
case ref: CaptureRef if ref.isTrackableRef =>
val checker = new CheckContraCaps
Expand Down
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/cc/CaptureSet.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -562,7 +562,14 @@ object CaptureSet:
computingApprox = true
try computeApprox(origin).ensuring(_.isConst)
val approx = computeApprox(origin).ensuring(_.isConst)
if approx.elems.exists(Existential.isExistentialVar(_)) then
ccState.approxWarnings +=
em"""Capture set variable $this gets upper-approximated
|to existential variable from $approx, using {cap} instead."""
else approx
finally computingApprox = false

/** The intersection of all upper approximations of dependent sets */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -757,9 +764,8 @@ object CaptureSet:
source.tryInclude(bimap.backward(elem), this)
.showing(i"propagating new elem $elem backward from $this to $source = $result", capt)
.showing(i"propagating new elem $elem backward from $this to $source = $result", captDebug)

/** For a BiTypeMap, supertypes of the mapped type also constrain
* the source via the inverse type mapping and vice versa. That is, if
Expand Down
95 changes: 61 additions & 34 deletions compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/cc/CheckCaptures.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -223,6 +223,9 @@ class CheckCaptures extends Recheck, SymTransformer:
if tpt.isInstanceOf[InferredTypeTree] then
.showing(i"solved vars in ${tpt.knownType}", capt)
for msg <- ccState.approxWarnings do
report.warning(msg, tpt.srcPos)

/** Assert subcapturing `cs1 <: cs2` */
def assertSub(cs1: CaptureSet, cs2: CaptureSet)(using Context) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -492,7 +495,7 @@ class CheckCaptures extends Recheck, SymTransformer:
tp.derivedCapturingType(forceBox(parent), refs)
super.recheckApply(tree, pt) match
Existential.toCap(super.recheckApply(tree, pt)) match
case appType @ CapturingType(appType1, refs) => match
case Select(qual, _)
Expand All @@ -505,7 +508,7 @@ class CheckCaptures extends Recheck, SymTransformer:
val callCaptures = tree.args.foldLeft(qual.tpe.captureSet): (cs, arg) =>
cs ++ arg.tpe.captureSet
appType.derivedCapturingType(appType1, callCaptures)
.showing(i"narrow $tree: $appType, refs = $refs, qual = ${qual.tpe.captureSet} --> $result", capt)
.showing(i"narrow $tree: $appType, refs = $refs, qual-cs = ${qual.tpe.captureSet} = $result", capt)
case _ => appType
case appType => appType
end recheckApply
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -591,7 +594,7 @@ class CheckCaptures extends Recheck, SymTransformer:
i"Sealed type variable $pname", "be instantiated to",
i"This is often caused by a local capability$where\nleaking as part of its result.",
super.recheckTypeApply(tree, pt)
Existential.toCap(super.recheckTypeApply(tree, pt))

override def recheckBlock(tree: Block, pt: Type)(using Context): Type =
inNestedLevel(super.recheckBlock(tree, pt))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -624,7 +627,12 @@ class CheckCaptures extends Recheck, SymTransformer:
// Example is the line `a = x` in neg-custom-args/captures/vars.scala.
// For all other closures, early constraints are preferred since they
// give more localized error messages.
checkConformsExpr(res, pt, expr)
val res1 = Existential.toCapDeeply(res)
val pt1 = Existential.toCapDeeply(pt)
// We need to open existentials here in order not to get vars mixed up in them
// We do the proper check with existentials when we are finished with the closure block.
capt.println(i"pre-check closure $expr of type $res1 against $pt1")
checkConformsExpr(res1, pt1, expr)
recheckDef(mdef, mdef.symbol)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1009,35 +1017,50 @@ class CheckCaptures extends Recheck, SymTransformer:
def adaptBoxed(actual: Type, expected: Type, pos: SrcPos, covariant: Boolean, alwaysConst: Boolean, boxErrors: BoxErrors)(using Context): Type =

/** Adapt the inner shape type: get the adapted shape type, and the capture set leaked during adaptation
* @param boxed if true we adapt to a boxed expected type
def adaptShape(actualShape: Type, boxed: Boolean): (Type, CaptureSet) = actualShape match
case FunctionOrMethod(aargs, ares) =>
val saved = curEnv
curEnv = Env(
curEnv.owner, EnvKind.NestedInOwner,
CaptureSet.Var(curEnv.owner, level = currentLevel),
if boxed then null else curEnv)
val (eargs, eres) = expected.dealias.stripCapturing match
case FunctionOrMethod(eargs, eres) => (eargs, eres)
case _ => ( => WildcardType), WildcardType)
val aargs1 = aargs.zipWithConserve(eargs):
adaptBoxed(_, _, pos, !covariant, alwaysConst, boxErrors)
val ares1 = adaptBoxed(ares, eres, pos, covariant, alwaysConst, boxErrors)
val resTp =
if (aargs1 eq aargs) && (ares1 eq ares) then actualShape // optimize to avoid redundant matches
else actualShape.derivedFunctionOrMethod(aargs1, ares1)
(resTp, CaptureSet(curEnv.captured.elems))
finally curEnv = saved
case _ =>
(actualShape, CaptureSet())
def recur(actual: Type, expected: Type, covariant: Boolean): Type =

/** Adapt the inner shape type: get the adapted shape type, and the capture set leaked during adaptation
* @param boxed if true we adapt to a boxed expected type
def adaptShape(actualShape: Type, boxed: Boolean): (Type, CaptureSet) = actualShape match
case FunctionOrMethod(aargs, ares) =>
val saved = curEnv
curEnv = Env(
curEnv.owner, EnvKind.NestedInOwner,
CaptureSet.Var(curEnv.owner, level = currentLevel),
if boxed then null else curEnv)
val (eargs, eres) = expected.dealias.stripCapturing match
case FunctionOrMethod(eargs, eres) => (eargs, eres)
case _ => ( => WildcardType), WildcardType)
val aargs1 = aargs.zipWithConserve(eargs):
recur(_, _, !covariant)
val ares1 = recur(ares, eres, covariant)
val resTp =
if (aargs1 eq aargs) && (ares1 eq ares) then actualShape // optimize to avoid redundant matches
else actualShape.derivedFunctionOrMethod(aargs1, ares1)
(resTp, CaptureSet(curEnv.captured.elems))
finally curEnv = saved
case _ =>
(actualShape, CaptureSet())
end adaptShape

def adaptStr = i"adapting $actual ${if covariant then "~~>" else "<~~"} $expected"
def adaptStr = i"adapting $actual ${if covariant then "~~>" else "<~~"} $expected"

actual match
case actual @ Existential(_, actualUnpacked) =>
return Existential.derivedExistentialType(actual):
recur(actualUnpacked, expected, covariant)
case _ =>
expected match
case expected @ Existential(_, expectedUnpacked) =>
return recur(actual, expectedUnpacked, covariant)
case _: WildcardType =>
return actual
case _ =>

trace(adaptStr, capt, show = true) {

if expected.isInstanceOf[WildcardType] then actual
else trace(adaptStr, recheckr, show = true):
// Decompose the actual type into the inner shape type, the capture set and the box status
val actualShape = if actual.isFromJavaObject then actual else actual.stripCapturing
val actualIsBoxed = actual.isBoxedCapturing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1099,6 +1122,10 @@ class CheckCaptures extends Recheck, SymTransformer:
end recur

recur(actual, expected, covariant)
end adaptBoxed

/** If actual derives from caps.Capability, yet is not a capturing type itself,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1139,7 +1166,7 @@ class CheckCaptures extends Recheck, SymTransformer:
widened.withReachCaptures(actual), expected, pos,
covariant = true, alwaysConst = false, boxErrors)
if adapted eq widened then normalized
else adapted.showing(i"adapt boxed $actual vs $expected ===> $adapted", capt)
else adapted.showing(i"adapt boxed $actual vs $expected = $adapted", capt)
end adapt

/** Check overrides again, taking capture sets into account.
Expand All @@ -1154,13 +1181,13 @@ class CheckCaptures extends Recheck, SymTransformer:
* @param sym symbol of the field definition that is being checked
override def checkSubType(actual: Type, expected: Type)(using Context): Boolean =
val expected1 = alignDependentFunction(addOuterRefs(/*Existential.strip*/(expected), actual), actual.stripCapturing)
val expected1 = alignDependentFunction(addOuterRefs(expected, actual), actual.stripCapturing)
val actual1 =
val saved = curEnv
curEnv = Env(clazz, EnvKind.NestedInOwner, capturedVars(clazz), outer0 = curEnv)
val adapted =
adaptBoxed(/*Existential.strip*/(actual), expected1, srcPos, covariant = true, alwaysConst = true, null)
adaptBoxed(actual, expected1, srcPos, covariant = true, alwaysConst = true, null)
actual match
case _: MethodType =>
// We remove the capture set resulted from box adaptation for method types,
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