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nicolasstucki committed Jan 13, 2022
1 parent 0a834ff commit 0ee20f9
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Showing 27 changed files with 199 additions and 70 deletions.
21 changes: 11 additions & 10 deletions compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/reporting/MessageRendering.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,15 +25,9 @@ trait MessageRendering {
def stripColor(str: String): String =
str.replaceAll("\u001b\\[.*?m", "")

/** When inlining a method call, if there's an error we'd like to get the
* outer context and the `pos` at which the call was inlined.
* @return a list of strings with inline locations
def outer(pos: SourcePosition, prefix: String)(using Context): List[String] =
if (pos.outer.exists)
i"$prefix| This location contains code that was inlined from $pos" ::
outer(pos.outer, prefix)
/** List of all the inline calls that surround the position */
def inlinePosStack(pos: SourcePosition): List[SourcePosition] =
if pos.outer.exists then pos :: inlinePosStack(pos.outer)
else Nil

/** Get the sourcelines before and after the position, as well as the offset
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -173,10 +167,17 @@ trait MessageRendering {
if (pos.exists) {
val pos1 = pos.nonInlined
if (pos1.exists && pos1.source.file.exists) {
// Print error message at inline position
val (srcBefore, srcAfter, offset) = sourceLines(pos1, levelString)
val marker = columnMarker(pos1, offset, levelString)
val err = errorMsg(pos1, msg.message, offset)
sb.append((srcBefore ::: marker :: err :: outer(pos, " " * (offset - 1)) ::: srcAfter).mkString(EOL))
sb.append((srcBefore ::: marker :: err :: srcAfter).mkString(EOL))
// print inline stack trace
for inlinedPos <- inlinePosStack(pos) if inlinedPos != pos1 do
val (srcBefore, srcAfter, offset) = sourceLines(inlinedPos, levelString)
val marker = columnMarker(inlinedPos, offset, levelString)
val prefix = " " * (offset - 1)
sb.append((i"\nThis location contains code that was inlined from $pos" :: srcBefore ::: marker :: srcAfter).mkString(EOL))
else sb.append(msg.message)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/Splicer.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ object Splicer {
val oldContextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader
try {
val interpreter = new Interpreter(spliceExpansionPos, classLoader)
val interpreter = new Interpreter(splicePos, classLoader)

// Some parts of the macro are evaluated during the unpickling performed in quotedExprToTree
val interpretedExpr = interpreter.interpret[Quotes => scala.quoted.Expr[Any]](tree)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/Inliner.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ class Inliner(call: tpd.Tree, rhsToInline: tpd.Tree)(using Context) {
evidence.tpe match
case fail: Implicits.SearchFailureType =>
val msg = evTyper.missingArgMsg(evidence, tpt.tpe, "")
errorTree(tpt, em"$msg")
errorTree(call, em"$msg")
case _ =>
return searchImplicit(callTypeArgs.head)
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion compiler/test-resources/repl/i9227
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,5 +3,7 @@ scala> import scala.quoted._; inline def myMacro[T]: Unit = ${ myMacroImpl[T] };
1 | import scala.quoted._; inline def myMacro[T]: Unit = ${ myMacroImpl[T] }; def myMacroImpl[T](using Quotes): Expr[Unit] = '{}; println(myMacro[Int])
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
| Cannot call macro method myMacroImpl defined in the same source file
| This location contains code that was inlined from rs$line$1:1
This location contains code that was inlined from rs$line$1:1
1 | import scala.quoted._; inline def myMacro[T]: Unit = ${ myMacroImpl[T] }; def myMacroImpl[T](using Quotes): Expr[Unit] = '{}; println(myMacro[Int])
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
1 error found
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion tests/neg-macros/delegate-match-1.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,4 +4,3 @@
| ^
| AmbiguousImplicits
| both value a1 in class Test1 and value a2 in class Test1 match type A
| This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:6
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion tests/neg-macros/delegate-match-2.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,4 +4,3 @@
| ^
| DivergingImplicit
| method a1 in class Test produces a diverging implicit search when trying to match type A
| This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:5
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion tests/neg-macros/delegate-match-3.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,4 +4,3 @@
| ^
| NoMatchingImplicits
| no implicit values were found that match type A
| This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:3
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions tests/neg-macros/i11386.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,11 +3,13 @@
6 | dummy(0) // error
| ^
| test
| This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:6
| This location contains code that was inlined from Macro_1.scala:7
This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:6
7 | notNull(i)
| ^^^^^^^^^^
-- Error: tests/neg-macros/i11386/Test_2.scala:8:20 --------------------------------------------------------------------
8 | dummy(int2String(0)) // error
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| test
| This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:8
| This location contains code that was inlined from Macro_1.scala:7
This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:8
7 | notNull(i)
| ^^^^^^^^^^
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions tests/neg-macros/i13991.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@

-- Error: tests/neg-macros/i13991/Test_2.scala:6:5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
6 | v2 // error
| ^^
| Error
This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:3
3 | inline def v2 = InlineMac.sample("foo")
| ^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:3
3 | inline def v2 = InlineMac.sample("foo")
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions tests/neg-macros/i13991/Macro_1.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import scala.quoted.*

object InlineMac:

inline def sample(inline expr: String): Int =
${ sampleImpl('expr) }

def sampleImpl(expr: Expr[String])(using Quotes): Expr[Int] =
import quotes.reflect.*
report.errorAndAbort("Error", expr)
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions tests/neg-macros/i13991/Test_2.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
object Main:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
inline def v2 = InlineMac.sample("foo")
inline def v1 = v2

v2 // error
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions tests/neg-macros/i6432.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,14 +3,11 @@
4 | foo"abc${"123"}xyz${"456"}fgh" // error // error // error
| ^^^
| abc
| This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:4
-- Error: tests/neg-macros/i6432/Test_2.scala:4:17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | foo"abc${"123"}xyz${"456"}fgh" // error // error // error
| ^^^
| xyz
| This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:4
-- Error: tests/neg-macros/i6432/Test_2.scala:4:28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | foo"abc${"123"}xyz${"456"}fgh" // error // error // error
| ^^^
| fgh
| This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:4
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions tests/neg-macros/i6432b.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,14 +3,11 @@
4 | foo"""abc${"123"}xyz${"456"}fgh""" // error // error // error
| ^^^
| abc
| This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:4
-- Error: tests/neg-macros/i6432b/Test_2.scala:4:19 --------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | foo"""abc${"123"}xyz${"456"}fgh""" // error // error // error
| ^^^
| xyz
| This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:4
-- Error: tests/neg-macros/i6432b/Test_2.scala:4:30 --------------------------------------------------------------------
4 | foo"""abc${"123"}xyz${"456"}fgh""" // error // error // error
| ^^^
| fgh
| This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:4
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion tests/neg-macros/i6976.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,4 +6,6 @@
| scala.MatchError: Inlined(EmptyTree,List(),Literal(Constant(2))) (of class$Inlined)
| at playground.macros$.mcrImpl(Macro_1.scala:10)
| This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:5
This location contains code that was inlined from Macro_1.scala:6
6 | inline def mcr(x: => Any) = ${mcrImpl('x)}
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion tests/neg-macros/i9014.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,4 +3,3 @@
1 |val tests = summon[Bar] // error
| ^
| Failed to expand!
| This location contains code that was inlined from Test_2.scala:1
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion tests/neg-macros/ill-abort.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
1 |def test = fail() // error
| ^^^^^^
|Macro expansion was aborted by the macro without any errors reported. Macros should issue errors to end-users to facilitate debugging when aborting a macro expansion.
| This location contains code that was inlined from quoted_1.scala:3
This location contains code that was inlined from quoted_1.scala:3
3 |inline def fail(): Unit = ${ impl }
| ^^^^^^^^^
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion tests/neg-macros/macro-class-not-found-1.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,4 +5,6 @@
| java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
| at Foo$.aMacroImplementation(Foo.scala:8)
| This location contains code that was inlined from Bar.scala:4
This location contains code that was inlined from Foo.scala:5
5 | inline def myMacro(): Unit = ${ aMacroImplementation }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion tests/neg-macros/macro-class-not-found-2.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,4 +5,6 @@
| java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
| at Foo$.aMacroImplementation(Foo.scala:8)
| This location contains code that was inlined from Bar.scala:4
This location contains code that was inlined from Foo.scala:5
5 | inline def myMacro(): Unit = ${ aMacroImplementation }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion tests/neg-macros/macros-in-same-project-6.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,4 +2,3 @@
4 | Foo.myMacro() // error
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| some error
| This location contains code that was inlined from Bar.scala:4
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion tests/neg/cannot-reduce-inline-match.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,4 +4,8 @@
| cannot reduce inline match with
| scrutinee: "f" : ("f" : String)
| patterns : case _:Int
| This location contains code that was inlined from cannot-reduce-inline-match.scala:3
This location contains code that was inlined from cannot-reduce-inline-match.scala:3
3 | inline x match {
| ^
4 | case _: Int =>
5 | }
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion tests/neg/i11225.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,4 +42,6 @@
30 | var x7: Int = uni // error
| ^^^
| `uninitialized` can only be used as the right hand side of a mutable field definition
| This location contains code that was inlined from i11225.scala:25
This location contains code that was inlined from i11225.scala:25
25 | transparent inline def uni = uninitialized
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
128 changes: 96 additions & 32 deletions tests/neg/i13044.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,41 +4,105 @@
| given instance gen is declared as `inline`, but was not inlined
| Try increasing `-Xmax-inlines` above 32
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:31
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:37
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:31
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:37
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:31
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:37
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:31
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:37
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:31
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:37
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
17 | val builder = summonInline[Schema[t]].asInstanceOf[Schema[Any]]
| ^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
31 | lazy val fields = recurse[m.MirroredElemTypes]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
37 | inline given gen[A]: Schema[A] = derived
| ^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
17 | val builder = summonInline[Schema[t]].asInstanceOf[Schema[Any]]
| ^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
31 | lazy val fields = recurse[m.MirroredElemTypes]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
37 | inline given gen[A]: Schema[A] = derived
| ^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
17 | val builder = summonInline[Schema[t]].asInstanceOf[Schema[Any]]
| ^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
31 | lazy val fields = recurse[m.MirroredElemTypes]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
37 | inline given gen[A]: Schema[A] = derived
| ^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
17 | val builder = summonInline[Schema[t]].asInstanceOf[Schema[Any]]
| ^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
31 | lazy val fields = recurse[m.MirroredElemTypes]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
37 | inline given gen[A]: Schema[A] = derived
| ^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
17 | val builder = summonInline[Schema[t]].asInstanceOf[Schema[Any]]
| ^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
18 | builder :: recurse[ts]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
31 | lazy val fields = recurse[m.MirroredElemTypes]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
37 | inline given gen[A]: Schema[A] = derived
| ^^^^^^^
-- Error: tests/neg/i13044.scala:50:40 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 | implicit def typeSchema: Schema[A] = Schema.gen // error // error
| ^^^^^^^^^^
| method recurse is declared as `inline`, but was not inlined
| Try increasing `-Xmax-inlines` above 32
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:31
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:37
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:31
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:37
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:31
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:37
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:31
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:37
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:17
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:31
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:37
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
18 | builder :: recurse[ts]
| ^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
31 | lazy val fields = recurse[m.MirroredElemTypes]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
37 | inline given gen[A]: Schema[A] = derived
| ^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
17 | val builder = summonInline[Schema[t]].asInstanceOf[Schema[Any]]
| ^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
31 | lazy val fields = recurse[m.MirroredElemTypes]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
37 | inline given gen[A]: Schema[A] = derived
| ^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
17 | val builder = summonInline[Schema[t]].asInstanceOf[Schema[Any]]
| ^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
31 | lazy val fields = recurse[m.MirroredElemTypes]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
37 | inline given gen[A]: Schema[A] = derived
| ^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
17 | val builder = summonInline[Schema[t]].asInstanceOf[Schema[Any]]
| ^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
31 | lazy val fields = recurse[m.MirroredElemTypes]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
37 | inline given gen[A]: Schema[A] = derived
| ^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
17 | val builder = summonInline[Schema[t]].asInstanceOf[Schema[Any]]
| ^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
18 | builder :: recurse[ts]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
31 | lazy val fields = recurse[m.MirroredElemTypes]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13044.scala:18
37 | inline given gen[A]: Schema[A] = derived
| ^^^^^^^
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion tests/neg/i13570.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,4 +6,9 @@
| patterns : case s @ _:Seq[Int] if s.isEmpty
| case s @ _:Seq[Int]
| case _
| This location contains code that was inlined from i13570.scala:3
This location contains code that was inlined from i13570.scala:3
3 | inline seq match
| ^
4 | case s: Seq[Int] if s.isEmpty => println("seq is empty")
5 | case s: Seq[Int] => println("seq is not empty")
6 | case _ => println("somthing hinky happened")
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions tests/neg/i13991.check
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-- Error: tests/neg/i13991.scala:8:15 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 |def foo = first[String] // error
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| no implicit argument of type Foo[String] was found
This location contains code that was inlined from i13991.scala:4
4 |inline def second[A]: Int = compiletime.summonInline[Foo[A]].foo
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
This location contains code that was inlined from i13991.scala:4
6 |inline def first[A]: Int = second[A] + 42
| ^^^^^^^^^
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions tests/neg/i13991.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
trait Foo[X]:
def foo: Int

inline def second[A]: Int = compiletime.summonInline[Foo[A]].foo

inline def first[A]: Int = second[A] + 42

def foo = first[String] // error

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