Julian day number and Julian date calculations supporting the following calendars:
Calendar | Epoch ¹ | Era |
Armenian | 0552-07-11 CE | Armenian |
Astronomical | 0001-01-01 CE | CE |
Baháʼí | 1844-03-21 CE | Baháʼí |
Coptic | 0284-08-29 CE | Diocletian |
Egyptian | 0747-02-26 BCE | Nabonassar |
Ethiopian | 0008-08-29 CE | Incarnation |
French Republican | 1792-09-22 CE | Republican |
Gregorian | 0001-01-01 CE | CE |
Hebrew | 3761-10-07 BCE | AM |
Islamic | 0622-07-16 CE | AH |
ISO | ||
Julian | 0001-01-01 CE | CE |
Khwarizmian | 0632-06-21 CE | Yazdegerd |
Macedonian | 0312-09-01 BCE | Alexander |
Maya | 3114-09-06 BCE | |
Persian | 0632-06-16 CE | Yazdegerd |
Śaka | 0079-03-24 CE | Śaka |
Syrian | 0312-10-01 BCE | Alexander |
¹ Epoch in Julian calendar
The Julian day number interconverting algorithms use integer math to avoid rounding errors and the implementations have been round-trip tested for all valid Julian day numbers in the years -999,999 to +999,999.
Add a package dependency to https://github.com/sbooth/JulianDayNumber in Xcode.
- Clone the JulianDayNumber repository.
swift build
- Calculate the Julian date for the total solar eclipse on 1919-05-29.
let jd = AstronomicalCalendar.julianDateFrom(year: 1919, month: 5, day: 29)
// 2422107.5
The astronomical calendar is a hybrid calendar using the Julian calendar for dates before October 15, 1582 and the Gregorian calendar for later dates.
- Convert the Julian date 2422107.5 to a
let d = Date(julianDate: 2422107.5)
// Foundation.Date 1919-05-29 00:00:00 UTC
- Convert the Gregorian calendar date 2013-10-31 to a date in the Julian calendar.
let j = GregorianCalendar.julianDayNumberFrom(year: 2013, month: 10, day: 31)
let julianYMD = JulianCalendar.dateFromJulianDayNumber(j)
// (year: 2013, month: 10, day: 18)
The latest documentation is hosted by Swift Package Index.
All public classes, structs, and functions should be documented. If you notice a documentation shortcoming please open a new issue.
The following table summarizes the arithmetic limits for Julian day number calculations.
Calendar | Minimum JDN | Maximum JDN |
Armenian | Int.min + 341 |
Int.max - 317 |
Baháʼí | Int.min + 56457 |
2305795661307959248 |
Coptic | Int.min + 384 |
(Int.max - 3) / 4 - 124 |
Egyptian | Int.min + 611 |
Int.max - 47 |
Ethiopian | Int.min + 384 |
(Int.max - 3) / 4 - 124 |
French Republican | Int.min + 56759 |
2305795661307960548 |
Gregorian | Int.min + 56457 |
2305795661307959247 |
Hebrew | Int.min + 106960181 |
355839970905570 |
Islamic | Int.min + 325 |
(Int.max - 15) / 30 - 7664 |
Julian | Int.min + 144 |
(Int.max - 3) / 4 - 1401 |
Khwarizmian | Int.min + 341 |
Int.max - 317 |
Macedonian | Int.min + 144 |
(Int.max - 3) / 4 - 1401 |
Maya Long Count | Int.min + 584291 |
Int.max |
Persian | Int.min + 336 |
Int.max - 77 |
Śaka | Int.min + 56457 |
2305795661307959298 |
Syrian | Int.min + 144 |
(Int.max - 3) / 4 - 1401 |
JulianDayNumber is released under the MIT License.