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This project is about to make a Hash Table of animals whose structure is like this
(base address) | 5> [Human leg:2 age:5] > [Bird wing:1 age:5 ]> [Reptile tail:2 age:15] > [Human leg:2 age: 55] | 6> [Bird wing: 1 age: 16]> [Reaptile tail:1 age : 26] | 9>[ Human leg: 2 age: 19]
There are 3 kinds of animals Bird,Human,Reptile with there respective properties.
My program is able to 1.Add a new type of animal, 2.Delete an animal, 3.Search for an animal with it's Date of birth.
Note:As X-Code does not support console input ,all these actions are performed from from
//=========================// || main.m || //=========================//