It is a Complete Authentication Portal with Email verification, Image Upload, Forgot and Reset Password using MERN Stack.
- Authentication using JWT.
- All passwords are stored after encrypting.
- Email verification is must to activate the account.
- User can upload image during signup
- User can Reset Password using Forgot Password
- Complete Error Handing
React, Redux, Nodejs, MongoDB, Express, Nodemailer, Multer
Mail Preview
Open terminal
cd Authentication-Portal
For client side:
cd client
npm install
npm start
It will start client on PORT 3000 For server side:
cd server
npm install
nodemon server
It will start server on PORT 5000 by default
Add .env file in server folder containing:
JWT_SECRET = your_secret_string
EMAIL = your_email_for_nodemailer
PASSWORD = your_email_password
CONNECTION_URL = your_mongodb_url