Our project is a 2 player online air-hockey game. Server can handle multiple games simultaneously.
On the server side, one thread is created for every match dynamically,
which in turn creates multiple threads for moving the puck, watching for collisions, communicating with players.
Data races were dealt with Reentrant locks on position and velocity variables. We used immutable objects to keep XY coordinates thread-safe.
Download JavaFX 11
Extract the downloaded archive.
environment path to the lib
folder in the unzipped folder and restart your terminal
Clone the repository or extract the downloaded repository zip
cd gaalihockey
cd out
Start the server
java --module-path $JAVAFX --add-modules=javafx.controls com.gaalihockey.server.Server
Start Player 1
java --module-path $JAVAFX --add-modules=javafx.controls com.gaalihockey.client.Client
Start Player 2 (You need at least two clients to start playing the game)
java --module-path $JAVAFX --add-modules=javafx.controls com.gaalihockey.client.Client