This is a prototype backend for an educational coaching institution(AOMES)'s entrance preparation system, that I built using FastAPI in Python as my personal project.
This backend prototype serves as the foundation for an educational coaching platform focused on entrance exam preparations. It provides APIs to manage quizzes, assessments, online courses and more.
- Create, read, update, and delete questions and videos.
- Enroll students.
- API documentation available at
To set up and run the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone this repository:
$ git clone $ cd educational-coaching-backend
Create a virtual environment on python $ python -m venv venv $ source venv/bin/activate # On Windows: venv\Scripts\activate
Install the dependencies $ cd ./AOMES_backend_prototype $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Run it on your localhost $ cd ./ $ uvicorn blog.main:app --reload