Commands to help you manage local development environment.
$ wget
$ chmod +x moo.phar
$ mv moo.phar /usr/local/bin/moo
- Clone the source code.
- Run the installer from the root directory of the source code
Note: the installer is going to install pharcc, if it does not exists.
Name | Details |
commit | Git Commit wrapper to standardise the commit messages. |
csfixer | Execute php-cs-fixer on selected paths. |
help | Displays help for a command |
list | Lists commands |
qcode | Check source code using tool such as, Mess Detector, Copy/Paste Detector, PHP Parallel Lint, & Security Advisories. |
faq | Display FAQs. |
ws:build | Build or rebuild services for a site within the workspace. A wrapper to docker-compose build command. |
ws:clean | Execute specific commands to free up unwanted space such as, removing old containers, or dangling images. |
ws:composer | Execute PHP composer command inside the composer container. |
ws:cp | Copy a file from host machine to a docker container or download from a docker container. A wrapper to docker cp command. |
ws:hosts | Update the host file in user machine (/etc/hosts) with the docker IP address and the host names setup for all of the sites in workspace. |
ws:ip | Display the docker machine IP address. |
ws:ips | Display the IP addresses selected for each of the active docker containers. |
ws:log | View output from container or containers. A wrapper for docker-compose logs. |
ws:new | Create a new site. Create all of the files needed for the docker containers. |
ws:proxy | Build the proxy container if not exists or start the container. |
ws:rm | Remove stopped containers for a site within the workspace. A wrapper for docker-compose rm. |
ws:sites | Display list of available sites and their statuses. |
ws:ssh | SSH into a container for a site within the workspace. |
ws:sh | Execute a command inside a container for a site within the workspace. |
ws:start | Create and start containers for a site within the workspace. A wrapper to docker-compose up. |
ws:stat | Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics. |
ws:stop | Stop services for a site within the workspace. A wrapper to docker stop command. |
ws:fe | Execute a frontend commands to build or watch assets. |
Moo Command is licensed under the MIT License.