The Anti Collider is a smartly designed vehicle, which will automatically slow down itself when there will be obstacle in front of the vehicle to avoid from collision. The project has been designed to decrease the increasing rate of accidents and to have a control over it.
Now days, the rate of accidents are tremendously increasing and the death tolls also. In the year of 2015-16, over 5-lakh road accident occurred and out of those 141,526 persons have seen the death. Therefore, there is a need of hour to make a change in the existing safety design of the automobiles and hence we had put forward this project.
The main components are the IR Sensor, Ultrasonic Sensor and an Arduino Uno R3, which is the main processing unit of our project.
The system is based on the use of ultrasonic and infrared rays, which will be transmitted by the system. The ultrasonic sensor has a range of 450cm i.e. 4.5m and if a vehicle comes closer than that, then there will be a danger siren for the driver to slow down the vehicle. When the vehicle will be much closer to the system, then there will be more danger warnings and if the driver does not apply the brakes then the system will automatically slow down the vehicle to avoid the collision. The system will work by calculating the speed of the vehicle, coefficient of the brake friction, terrain-using GPS and some other factors. In addition, it will be linked with Google Maps, which will provide a Real Traffic Data.
In this way, the vehicle will not be collided with another vehicle; hence, there will be less road accidents.
Automobiles are one of the growing industries of India but due to the automobiles a number of accidents occur, therefore our simple innovation in modifying the existing design of the automobiles will slow down the rate of increasing road accidents.
[The Arduino File is attached above]
Copyright of Saswat Samal(Founder, PIYSocial)