Has a lot of interesting submodules. Keep them updated
git submodule add [URL] [PATH]
git pull --recurse-submodules
git submodule update --remote
- HTML, CSS, JS - Compressed via webpack (auto usually)
- Images - SVG op, JPG - most colors, PNG -> Transparency, GIF- Animations (always compress), MEDIA-QUERY must
- Limit number of files by combining (auto usually - webpack)
- Script after CSS & make sure only necessary (visible page) style sheets are imported
- Conditional loading based on Media query, less specificity means less work for browser to make sense of the tag
- Inline styles much faster, scripts are blockage.
- Async - loads JS in parallel w another thread - followed by immediate execution - Core functionality needs JS
- Defer - loads JS in parallel w another thread - executed after page loads - Not important to core functionality
- NILL - loads JS (blocking main) - executes it - Core scripts
- Code splitting via Lazy loading.
- Performance optimizing via memoization, rerendering only necessary files.
- EC2 - Server in cloud
- Elastic Block Store - to increase capacity of instance
- ECS Fargate - Serverless EC2 - auto scaling
- App Runner - Easy to use pre-configured EC2
- VPC - Secure EC2
- Lambda - Run functions on need basis
- Elastic Bean Stalk - Manages EC2, Autoscaling, Deployment, load balancers, etc out of the box.
- S3 - Storage
- S3-Glacier - Archive
- DynamoDB - NoSQL DB
- Cloudfront - CDN
- Redshift - Big data - analyzing, fast access data
- Shield - Secure EC2 from attacks
- WAF - Firewall
- IAM - Identity & Access Management - Roles, User, Policies etc
- Route53 - DNS, resource checkup
- Elasticity - Automatically scale up/down
- Load Balancer - Load balancing between servers
- Simple Notification Service, Simple Queue Service
- Elastic Container Service - Managing Docker Containers
- CloudWatch - Collect & Track Metrics
- CloudTrail - Audit all activity in AWS
- CloudFormation - Set up everything via scripts
- Inferentia - Inference Chips at cost of EC2
- Analytical Problem solving with code
- Technical Communication
- Engineering Best practices & approaches.
- Non-tech Communication
- Computer & Language experiences.