A Guide to Novice to Advance as Java Developer.
- override own equals and hashCode for own data/model classes
- override toString for good output
- Clone vs Deep clone
- Define Interface & abstract class principles (why it should be a class/abstract/interface)
- Try to declear services/functionality with interfaces
- Enum may contain constractors for multi purpose usages.
- enum can have useful function to get info from member value
- Immutable object/class design
- Interface with default (java 8)
- Marker interfaces
- Functional interfaces, default and static methods
- Abstract class vs Interface
- Final Class
- Anonymous classes
- Design Inheritance tightly coupled (abstract) or loosely coupled (interface)
- Data aggregation vs Composition (is or has a relationship)
- Immutable string/parameters (final in parameter)
- Avoid premptive type , use Java Class (Integer instead of int)
- use proper annotation
- Avoid comments as much as you can, method names should be sef explanatory
- Design type safe but generic method for multi purpose use.
- try lambda for private methods(if accepted)
- Avoid system exception throwing , try business/custom exceptions based on design
- Anonymous method
- Final method
- maven group id(company Name) & artifact id (project name) are small letters with dot
- package names are small letters with dot
- class, enum, interface or annotation names are PascalCase
- mthod, fields, variables are cammel case (some time method name is underscored like python)
- Static or Final fields are all CAPITAL.
- enum values are all CAPITAL
- Generic Types are usually single capital letter.
- Use Java 8 optional
- compare with null==referece item (null before)
- Compare with value==referece item (value before referece item)
What is Generics?
Logical Seperation of concern.
What is generic type?
How to declear? Method , Class , constractor, member variable of class.
what is Wildcat"?"
Why/When we use Wildcat or Generics type
Example :
public <T extends InterfaceA > List<? extends Comparable<? extends T>> shortThis(List<? extends Comparable<? extends T>> items){ .... }
- What is Reflection API?
- Reflection with Generics
- Reflection for annotation processing.
- What is java thread ?
- Difference between Thread & Process
- Runnable
- Thread Extention
- Executor service
- Semaphore
- Inter thread communication
- Synchronization (block, method, object)
- Wait/notify/notifyAll
- Lock
- Monitoring
- Dead Lock
- Out Of memory exceptions
- Thread Group
- ThreadLocal
- Thread Safe collections
- Thread Pool
- Futures
- Thread Schedulers
- Atomic Operations
- What is annotation
- Annotation Scopes
- Pre processor
- post processor
- Custom Annotation
- Running Annotation Processors during compilation
- JDK/JVM annotations
- Repeatable annotation
- configuration over convention
- Basic : https://www.eclipse.org/aspectj/doc/next/faq.html
- Proxy
- Dependency Injection :
-- square dagger
-- Guice (by google)
-- CDI (java ee6)
--Pico Container
- Performance Impact : https://web.archive.org/web/20150520175004/https://docs.codehaus.org/display/AW/AOP+Benchmark
- What is logger?
- Java logging support?
- Different type of logging & configurations
- static logger & best pactices.
- Logging configurations
- Different logging examples : https://github.com/sarkershantonu/Java-Logging
- What is next generation IO
- File/folder/path monitoring
- Basic NIO operations & exceptions
- What is JDBC?
- connect JDBC with different Database
- Example with different DB: https://github.com/sarkershantonu/jdbc-examples
- Jdbc connection class
- Result Set & different utilities.
- JDBC parsing different type of data
- JDBC blob
- JDBC monitoring data change event from DB
- Connection Pooling
- JDBC performance issues.
- Lambda syntax
- Functional interfaces
- Package java.util.function and predefined functional interfaces
- Method references
- Constructor references
- Default methods in interfaces
- Default methods and diamond problem
- What is a Stream?
- Ways to create a Stream
- Map/Filter/Reduce approach
- Map/Filter/Aggregate
- Aggregation functions
- Reduce in sequental and parallel processing
- forEach method
- Consumers chaining
- Predicates
- peek method
- map operation
- flatmap operation
- aggregation and reduction
- Optional type
- Collectors
- Using collectors as group by
- IntStream and other special streams
- Random stream
- Parallel streams
- ForkJoinPool
- Classes used for Fork/Join
- Fork/Join example
- Fork/Join and parallel stream processing: benchmarks
- Problems with Date and Calendar in Java 8
- LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime
- Instant class
- Clock class
- ZonedDateTime
- DayOfWeek class
- Duration class
- Period class
- Problems with multithreading
- Parallel and asynchronous programming
- Benefits of asynchrnous approach
- Java 1 approach to multithreading
- Java 5 approach: Future class
- Java 8 approach: CompletableFuture class
- Data flow as a pipeline
- Starting several pipelines in parallel
- Composing futures
- Combining futures
- Synchronous and asynchronous CompletableFuture methods
- Using anyOf/applyToEither to get the winner result
- Summary of CompletableFuture methods
- Handling exceptions in CompletableFuture
- Using checkpoints in method handling
- Cancellation of CompletableFuture
- Using CompletableFuture in real-life data flow processing
- Asynchronous APIs in Java
- What is Serialization & interface
- Externalizable interface to externalize Serialization methods.
- Serialization with Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
- XML Serialization (JAXB)
- JSON-P Serialization
- https://github.com/sarkershantonu/blog-projects/tree/master/DesignPatternsJava
- https://shantonusarker.blogspot.com/p/softwarearchitecture.html
- Native C/C++
- Native C#/Dotnet
- Native python
- what is java messaging?
- JMS client & initiation
- JMS processing
- Event Driven Example with JMS
- RabbitMQ
- activemq
- Kafka
- Apache HTTP client
- Jsoup parsing
- RestAssured client
- What is event driven programming? why we need?
- Event source
- Event Object
- Event Listner
- Event Management
- Event priority
- Java Listeners
- What is Caching?
- In memory caching with thread safety
- Guava chaching
- Redis caching
- NO/Implicit Constructor
- Constructors without Arguments
- Constructors with Arguments
- Initialization Blocks
- Construction guarantee
- Visibility
- Garbage collection
- Finalizers
- Static initialization
- Pattern : Singleton
- Pattern : Utility/Helper Class
- Pattern : Factory
- Pattern : Dependency Injection
- Pattern : Builder
- hashCode
- equals
- toString
- clone, deep clone, shallow clone
- equals & == operator
- IDE code generators.
- What are Checked and unchecked exceptions?
- How excecption works?
- How to design custom/domain exception
- simple try vs try with resources
- Java Mission Control
- JVisualVM
- What is Java Agent
- Attaching agent with CLI parameter
- Monitoring agent
- Data transfe through agent
- Protocol integration with agents
- What is compiler API?
- DiagnosticCollector
- StandardJavaFileManager
- Element Scanning
- Annotation Processing
- Syntax Tree (AST) api
- What it JKS
- What is JCEKS
- Keysore setup
- setting parameter
- Encrypting /Decrypting
- Cypher Object
- Best Practices
- Key distribution using keystore
- Externalization of parameters
- How JVM can execute scripts on JVM
- Example : Jmeter Implementation
- JavaScript on JVM
- Beanshell on JVM
- Groovy on JVM
- Ruby on JVM (jRuby)
- Python on JVM (jYthon)
- JSR 223