Docker image for SAP WebIDE personal edition
SAP Web IDE lets you develop, test, deploy, and extend your role-based apps. Create applications more rapidly and deliver a better experience for business users. [More Info]
SAP Web IDE personal edition is intended as a complementary IDE, to be installed by a single developer on a personal workstation, for offline development (not on a server). [More Info]
- SAP Cloud features:
- Deploying to SAP Cloud Platform
- Running applications on SAP Cloud Platform
- Extending applications on SAP Cloud Platform
- Importing applications from SAP Cloud Platform
- Registering to SAP Fiori launchpad on SAP Cloud Platform
- Proxy Authentication
- Extension development
- Template development
- Use of optional extensions
The SAP Fiori Overview Page extension is enabled by default in the personal edition.
- Git stash option
- Code check before Git push
- Problem view
- Run configurations advanced settings
- Learning Center perspective
- Notification alerts
- Customizing performance measures
- Client build
- Grunt build
- Translation Hub
Being a docker image, there is a basic requirement that you need to have docker installed in your system.
Clone this repository and run the below command to build the image
docker build --tag sap-webide:latest .
The image is published to the docker hub, so all you need to do is run the following command (change the port if needed).
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --rm sarathm09/sap-webide
- The docker image was possible because of the steps to repackage the windows version of webide, as mentioned in this article by Aydin Tekin