FTP Application using Apache Commons Net API and Java Swing Application Framework.
- Java
- Swing Framework
- Apache Commons Net API
- Uploading File using FTP
- Downloading File using FTP
- Basic FTP Functions
- Download or Clone this "FTP" repository
- Download 'commons-net-3.6.jar' file from here or any other latest version from the Internet.
- In Eclipse IDE, right click on the project and go to 'Build Path' and click 'Configure Build Path'.
- Click on 'Add Library' and add JUnit to the Java Build Path.
- Click on 'Add External JARs' and add the downloaded 'commons-net-3.6.jar' to the Java Build Path.
- Click Apply and then OK.
- Now the Project is successfully configured and ready to run.
Steps to setup FTP Server using vsftpd on your Local Ubuntu machine or any Remote machine (like AWS EC2 Linux Instance)
- Installing vsftpd
a) sudo apt-get update
b) sudo apt-get install vsftpd - Backup vsftpd.conf
sudo cp /etc/vsftpd.conf /etc/vsftpd.conf.orig - Checking Firewall Status
sudo ufw status - If Firewall is Active
a) sudo ufw allow 20/tcp
b) sudo ufw allow 21/tcp
c) sudo ufw allow 990/tcp
d) sudo ufw allow 40000:50000/tcp - Adding a User (for FTP)
a) sudo adduser s1
b) passwd s1 - Preparing the User Directory
a) sudo mkdir /home/s1 b) sudo chown nobody:nogroup /home/s1
c) sudo chmod a-w /home/s1 d) sudo ls -la /home/s1 - Create User Directory for Uploads
a) sudo chown s1:s1 /home/s1 b) sudo ls -la /home/s1 - Add a Test File
echo "vsftpd test file" | sudo tee /home/s1/SampleText.txt - Configuring FTP Access
sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf
Start by opening the config file to verify that the settings in your configuration match those below:
When you're done making the changes, save and exit the file.
- Add User to userlist
echo "s1" | sudo tee -a /etc/vsftpd.userlist - Restart vsftpd sudo systemctl restart vsftpd
- Testing FTP is configured on Server a) If FTP Server is configured on a local machine run the following command on terminal ftp -p localhost b) If FTP Server is configured on a remote machine run the following command on terminal ftp -p <<ipaddress_of_remote_machine>>
13. Downloading files
get SampleText.txt
Uploading files put SampleText.txt test.txt
If you get proper acknowledgement as shown in steps 12, 13 and 14 then FTP Server setup on Ubuntu is successful.
- Run
a) 'SwingFileDownloadFTP.java' as Java Application for downloading files using FTP.
b) 'SwingFileUploadFTP.java' as Java Application for uploading files using FTP. - In Host Field, enter
a) 'localhost' or '' if FTP Server is installed on the same machine.
b) SERVER_PUBLIC_IP if FTP Server is manually configured on a remote machine or hosted on Amazon Web Services EC2 Instance, etc.
c) SERVER_HOST_NAME if FTP Server is a free FTP Service Provider like DriveHQ(drivehq.com),etc. - In Port Field, enter 21(works in most cases).
- Username and Password depend on the FTP Server selected.
- In Download Path Field, enter the FTP Server path of the file you want to download.