This is an experimental fork of love-api.
It has a similar structure to the original with the following changes:
- love_api.lua renamed to love-api.lua
- minidescription field added, which is a one-line description of a module/type/function/enum. Eventually I'd like for this to be auto-generated from the first line of the main description.
- descriptiont and minidescriptiont fields added, which contain translations indexed by language code.
extra.lua returns a function that the API table can be passed to.
api = require('extra')(require('love_api'))
It makes the following changes:
- The objects/functions/callbacks in the "love module" are now in a module like the other modules.
- Table fields which were optional before now contain empty tables (these fields: functions, types, enums, returns, arguments, constructors, supertypes, subtypes)
- api
- what field is what the table is, e.g. 'function', 'method', 'argument' etc.
- id field is a unique string for each table with a what field.
- Fields pointing to where a table comes from, e.g. an argument table has the fields module, function_ and variant.
- Modules and functions have the fields fullname (e.g. '') and prefix (e.g. '')
- Functions have an optional field constructs, which points to the type it constructs, and getter and setter which is the corresponding getter/setter to the state the function sets/gets.
- api.everything contains every table with a what field.
- Fields with subsets of api.everything, e.g. api.allfunctions (containing functions, methods and callbacks), api.enums, etc.
- api.byfullname which is indexed by fullname, and api.byid which is indexed by it.
serialize.lua takes the "extra" table and saves the original table files to disk.
api = require('extra')(require(''))
table.sort(api.variants, function(a, b) return a.function_.fullname < b.function_.fullname end)
local s = ''
for _, variant in ipairs(api.variants) do
local function getList(t)
local s = ''
for i, a in ipairs(t) do
s =
if a.default then
s = s..' ['..a.default..']'
if i ~= #t then
s = s..', '
return s
if #variant.returns > 0 then
s = s..getList(variant.returns)..' = '
s = s..variant.function_.fullname..'('
if #variant.arguments > 0 then
s = s..getList(variant.arguments)
s = s..')\n'
return {
version = '0.10.2',
modules = {
name = 'modulename',
fullname = 'love.modulename', -- or 'love'
prefix = 'love.' -- or '' for 'love'
description = 'Description.',
descriptiont = {},
minidescription = 'Description.',
minidescriptiont = {},
types = {},
functions = {},
enums = {},
what = 'module',
id = 'love_modulename',
byfullname = {}, -- Indexed by 'fullname' key
byid = {}, -- Index by 'id' key
everything = {}, -- Every table with a 'what' key
allfullnames = {}, -- modules, functions, methods, callbacks, types, enums
allfunctions = {}, -- functions, methods, callbacks
noncallbackfunctions = {}, -- functions, methods
functions = {},
methods = {},
callbacks = {},
types = {},
enums = {},
arguments = {},
returns = {},
tables = {},
enums = {
name = 'EnumName',
fullname = name,
description = 'Description.',
descriptiont = {},
minidescription = 'Description.',
minidescriptiont = {},
constants = {
name = 'constantname',
description = 'Description.',
descriptiont = {}
minidescription = 'Description.',
minidescriptiont = {}
what = 'constant'
id = 'EnumName1',
module = moduleTable,
enum = enumTable,
what = 'enum',
id = 'EnumName',
module = moduleTable,
types = {
name = 'TypeName',
fullname = name,
description = 'Description.',
descriptiont = {},
minidescription = 'Description.',
minidescriptiont = {},
functions = {},
parenttype = 'Parenttype' -- Optional
supertypes = {
subtypes = {
constructors = {
what = 'type',
id = 'TypeName',
module = moduleTable,
functions = {
name = 'functionName',
fullname = 'love.module.functionName',
prefix = 'love.module.',
description = 'Description.',
descriptiont = {},
minidescription = 'Description.',
minidescriptiont = {},
setter = setterTable, -- Optional
getter = getterTable, -- Optional
constructs = typeTable, -- Optional
variants = {
description = 'Description.', -- Optional
descriptiont = {},
returns = {},
arguments = {},
what = 'variant',
id = 'love_module_functionName_rb_ast',
module = moduleTable,
function_ = functionTable,
type_ = typeTable,
what = 'function', -- or 'method' or 'callback'
id = 'love_module_functionName',
module = moduleTable,
type_ = typeTable,
returns = { -- or arguments
type = 'type',
name = 'name',
default = 'default argument', -- If argument and not return
description = 'Description.',
descriptiont = {},
table = { -- If type is 'table'
type = 'string',
name = 'name',
default = 'default argument', -- If argument and not return
description = 'Description.',
descriptiont = {},
what = 'returntable', -- or 'argumenttable'
id = 'love_module_functionName_rb_ast_a2_t1',
module = moduleTable,
type_ = typeTable,
function_ = functionTable,
variant = variantTable,
value = returnTable, -- or argumentTable
what = 'return', -- or 'argument'
id = 'love_module_functionName_rb_ast_r1',
module = moduleTable,
type_ = typeTable,
function_ = functionTable,
variant = variantTable,