IT's an NFT project built using ethereum smart contracts, MERN stack & Web3JS. The project is focused to revolutionize the ticket industry by introducing NFTs with digital artworks of different events & to provide more transparency to the industry Steps to get started with the project
install metamask and add custom rpc url from infura for Matic. Also add some test tokens from MATIC FAUCET for custorm rpc (
1 clone the repo 2 place the deployed address of contracts in file utils/api.js and ABI of the contracts in ABI folder 3 add the rpc url myou made in utils/api.js on line no.19 4 check backend server should run 5 Do npm install 6 start server by "npm start"
1 clone the repo 2 place the deployed address of contracts in .env file and ABI of the contracts in ABI folder 3 Add Database uri from mongodb in .env folder 4 npm install 5 add custorm rpc url you made, copy for web sockets and paste in app.js line 11
Smart Contracts:
1 deploy contracts on remix or truffle on matic etwork 2 and copy and paste abi in frontend and backend folders.